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  1. Xs400sh posted a post in a topic in New Members Welcome Area
    Hi folks, Just signed up here, own a xs250se custom 1980 and a 1981 xs400 American import. Had the 250 for 18 years and it's just had its first rebore so doing well, It's also almost the same age as i am!
  2. Xs400sh replied to JoeSene's post in a topic in Yamaha Workshop
    I had an issue on my xs where the rectifier failed and it meant a total loss of engine while the lights were on, Might be worth checking if it's still functional, also the coils can be iffy if it was stored in the damp, mine had to get 2 new coils when I got it, coil fail symptom is that there's no power after the engine warms up, best future advice is watch the timing, timing is very easy to slip on these bikes, not difficult to reset though.
  3. Xs400sh replied to trodd69's post in a topic in Classics
    Did you have any luck finding a spacer?