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Everything posted by KevtheRev

  1. At least you'll know it's not the brakeline ! For the full benefit clean and lube the brake and bang in a new seal/piston set .
  2. " Ahem ! They all do that sir ".
  3. Thieving scum ,! I'm glad they got reefed . I've had a few bikes nicked over the years , you don't usually get them back (although had a couple of "eventful" recoveries from scrotes back gardens etc ) You do need to lock the bike to something solid . Abus used to do a massive plastic coated steel rope with a loop at one end and a big steel shackle with a hole to fit the big Abus Granit lock through at the other . I had one but I feckin' lost it ! DUH !
  4. Leaky fuel petcock can cause the crankcase to fill with neat fuel .
  5. Saw a clean(ish) Honda CD175 over here going for 2 Grand !!!??? Bro' got a mint VFR800i for less !
  6. Have you thought about fitting a "POWERBAND" , I hear they are all the rage with you young Fancy Dans ! http://www.planetash.net/gos/powerbands.html
  7. Get a manual and learn how to do the servicing yourself man . It's much more satisfying , and £200 is a lot of money ! You could've done your bike Saturday morn and been out on the lash Saturday night with 200 bucks in your pocket and that warm glow of satisfaction after a job well done .
  8. Well done , congrats !! Nothing will test your reactions better than a wasp in close proximity to your helmet !
  9. KevtheRev

    Winter wear

    Haha! Dead right , I've always been a muff man myself !!
  10. Most spoked wheels can only use tubed tyres , there are a few exceptions e.g BMW's later GS . Otherwise the air leaks out around the spokeheads (obviously ). Tubeless tyres can be used with a tube on a spoked rim but the tyre pressure will need to be reduced slightly .
  11. KevtheRev

    Winter wear

    Bro picked me up a brand new set of Oxford Muffs . Toasty . Nice one Bro !
  12. Yep , Congratulations to young Danny , well done .
  13. KevtheRev

    Winter wear

    Thermal longjohns under the leathers , good waterproofs over the lot . I know handlebar muffs look a bit dodgy but if your hands and feet are warm you can ride through the worst of weather .
  14. Sorry Jimmy , I hear they are going to build a bike with a pillion for team Marquez/Lorenzo next year . I watched the race live on the Moto GP website but it sounded like the commentators were watching a different race !
  15. Well it sure looked to me as if Marquez was riding shotgun for Lorenzo today , not one attempt to overtake until Pedroza went past but he sure got his finger out until he regained second place . I always thought team mates would be on the same brand of bike ! Hard luck for Vale but I'm sure he'll repay what's due next year !! Is anybody still doubting that Rossi was the victim at Sepang ?
  16. Ooh ! Is it Christmas already ? I love shiny new bits . My old 175 MX was 1 tooth up in front and would still lift the front in 3rd .
  17. The headlight should only come on when the engine is running .
  18. I was scared of robots . But that was before I knew they needed stabilisers , F you robowankers !!
  19. I've seen 'em Slice . Some of the scooter clubs come down this way on weekends in the Summer . Saw one with a 350 YPVS engine once .
  20. Haha , I thought it'd been parked outside a building being painted . Nice bike chalkey .
  21. Would a scooter have the power to pull a sidecar with passenger and luggage ?
  22. Place a hand grenade with a piece of string tied to the pin in the cylinder barrel . Replace the cylinder head routing the string through the spark plug hole . When you've the head torqued down , pull on the string and RUN!! . Should do the trick .
  23. It will get easier , after learning the valuable lesson that most blokes are bell ends !
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