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Everything posted by KevtheRev

  1. Well I never ! Oxford Bugger Grips ! I think I'll stick to the handlebar muffs , I'm happy enough !
  2. KevtheRev replied to Callyspoy's post in a topic in General
    Ah , a classic biking conundrum . My solution would be to buy another bike ,preferably a rusty non runner , and plonk it under the stairs . This will drive the poor woman to distraction , hopefully taking her mind off the fact that you have two running bikes which you like . When she threatens to leave , relegate the heap under the stairs to the back garden and she will be so happy she'll allow you to keep all your bikes .
  3. I think cold dense air can carry more oxygen as well .
  4. KevtheRev replied to Spiner's post in a topic in Yamaha Workshop
    Hmm , I'd try cleaning the connections and checking continuity to the sensor .
  5. KevtheRev replied to Spiner's post in a topic in Yamaha Workshop
    Alright Spiner , has the wiring been hacked about before ? Does the rev counter work ok ? Could somebody have crossed the wires ? Are there any chafed wires which could be shorting out ?
  6. I always felt my 2 strokes always ran best on those clear frosty cold winter mornings .
  7. Sure is ! This little lady's been unloved for too long . Now she's found a loving home . I've had dozens of different bikes of all shapes and sizes but it still feels like getting my first bike (DT125) . I keep going out to the garage to look at it , lol .
  8. Howdy people ! I'm pinching myself ! I just got my new wheels . After 20 odd years of biking everyday , business and pleasure , I picked up a 4 year ban due to an unfortunate incident involving a car , a hedge , police and a judge . I took it on the chin and did my 4 years and was delighted to get my licence back . I wasn't so delighted to to discover that it now had a "Licence Endorsed" stamp on it and 10 penalty points left for good measure . Well , not much point talking to the insurance people just yet, I thought . So , that was three years ago , the points are gone and the endorsement should come off in a bit . , and I've missed having a bike bigtime . I spotted an ad for a '05 Honda CG125 ES . ( I know , I know , apologies , If Yamaha made a CG I'd have bought theirs , honest ) . 15,000 miles , €750 . Reasonable money , feck all mileage , so I went for a look . It looked ok if a bit neglected at first sight . Still on original ( knackered ) chain and sprockets , bald back tyre , weeping fork seal , weeping shock at rear , broken indicator , bent headlight bracket , dented headlight rim and a small dent on the side of the tank . Pretty clean for an Irish bike . Did the deal for €620 . I got it home and went over it with the rag and WD40 and my grin got bigger and bigger . The thing has never been touched , no scarred boltheads , no threaded screws , nothing . I'm hoping I won't be crucified by the insurance on such a small bike , and on the roads around here anything fancier would be destroyed in no time . I've owned a couple of these hardy little bikes in the past (even a new one once ) , and this one is as good as they come . I hope to get many years service from this little bike and I'll have wheels while I put my LC back together . Keep it between the green bits !!
  9. Hi there ! Welcome to motorcycling . The fact that your bike is revving it's nuts off would lead me to check a few simple things . Throttle cable for starters , is it properly adjusted / routed / lubricated and in good nick or is it frayed / dry / sticking or routed arseways ? Having checked that I'd check the throttle valve in the carburettor just to make sure it hasn't been replaced backwards . Then check the airbox , make sure it has the right (clean ) filter and make sure it seals properly as air leaks will make the engine race at idle , as will any air leak between the airbox / carb and cylinder head . The cable only takes a minute to check , as does the carb and the airbox just a few more , depending on what you have to remove to get to it . If you're unsure just don't do anything drastic until you can ask someone . Best of luck and happy fettling , Good advice above also , especially the safety bit .
  10. Well done Spur , perseverance pays off yet again .
  11. Hi there , trail bike front brakes can be a bitch to bleed becauase of the length and routing of the brake line . Before you try bleeding from the caliper again , remove the banjo bolt completely from the master cylinder , place your finger over the hole , then pump the brake to see if it's building pressure . If it is you'll know it's not the master . You can then reconnect the line and try again . You could try raising the caliper above the level of the reservoir until you start to get some pressure . This usually works for me .
  12. Float height maybe , or leaking fuel petcock .
  13. KevtheRev replied to Grouch's post in a topic in Yamaha Workshop
    I've had new tyres fitted backwards , had a tyre lever left in a tyre , had new Avon Gripsters inflated to 15psi on a brand new XR400R on which 1 mile up the road I hit a pothole and destroyed both wheelrims , all by dealers !! They are making a living on people's ignorance , although there are good workshops out there . Motorbikes are simple enough , learn to do it and check everything .
  14. KevtheRev replied to Grouch's post in a topic in Yamaha Workshop
    When I was a courier I could get through a set of pads in a week . With most bikes if your pistons and seals are ok changing pads is a 10 or 15 minute job . I'd much rather do it myself than have the work experience lad down at the dealer do it . Beats watching tv .
  15. KevtheRev replied to Harlin67's post in a topic in Yamaha Workshop
    Some car oils can promote clutch slip on some bikes .
  16. KevtheRev replied to Grouch's post in a topic in Yamaha Workshop
    Get a mate /manual to show you how it's done . Also some good videos on that utube thingy . Learn and save , Result !!
  17. KevtheRev replied to Carolina Spur's post in a topic in Yamaha Workshop
    Aah! Nice one .
  18. KevtheRev replied to Carolina Spur's post in a topic in Yamaha Workshop
    There's a silencer on the carb ??
  19. KevtheRev replied to dan28's post in a topic in Yamaha Workshop
    If you are replacing the chain you can cut off the old one with a hacksaw or bolt cutters . Make sure you get a split link for your new chain and fit it with the closed end facing the direction of travel .
  20. KevtheRev replied to Grouch's post in a topic in Yamaha Workshop
    The joys of nudity , I always prefer naked .
  21. Try un-modifying the airbox and make sure the jetting is back to standard before you go shelling out any dosh . From what I've read this seems to be a fuelling problem .
  22. Sounds like a culprit to me . Try temporarily blocking the cracks with tape or silicone sealer to see if it makes any improvement .
  23. A bottle o' Guinness and a couple of tabs usually sorts me out in the morn , don't think it'll do much for your bike tho' .