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Everything posted by KevtheRev

  1. KevtheRev


    !! Now available for 4 strokes !!
  2. £5,000 for a shock ! That gave me a shock for free . Bideford must be posh .
  3. Ah , apologies Nigel , I thought you were just missing the large tabbed shim which is used in most speedo drive gears .
  4. KevtheRev

    cheaky Gits

    Oh , we're in the stone age over here , I suppose they implant a chip these days .If you apply within 30 days of renewal you get the free contraceptive /immunization/euthanasia chip . If you're mad enough to ride a motorbike ....... lol
  5. The lad wants to put the cast wheel on the bike which will entail sourcing two suitable discs and making plates for the brakes and a new tyre , and maybe having to shim the discs/brakes in/out. I reckon he's better off lacing a new rim with new spokes onto his old hub . .the rim he has is oxidizng as I type . If he gets a new rim he can use the brand new tyre he already has . Will he listen to reason ? Your guess is as good as mine . My guess is no .
  6. Find the proper part , they cost peanuts . Drilling can get expensive.
  7. SUZUKI's !! Tch! Some people never learn .
  8. KevtheRev


    I would recommend "POWERBANDS" - http://www.planetash.net/gos/powerbands.html , available in all colours .
  9. KevtheRev

    cheaky Gits

    Because my tax disc holder is attached by one of my reg plate screws it has a habit of pivoting downward and obscures half the numbers if I don't keep an eye on it . Be very careful to check for this on your bike as you wouldn't want that to happen . It could make your bike very difficult to trace .
  10. Oh that's hard man , such a lovely dog .
  11. Sounds like a dirty carb or a blocked fuel cap vent . Hard to say with so little info . I'd check those anyway . Could also be a blocked/dirty fuel tank petcock .
  12. I put a £5 halfords bicycle speedo on my old CB500 after I smashed the clocks off in a crash . Worked a treat during the day (no backlight) . Not sure if that's the look you're after though , lol .
  13. Does the noise stop when you pull in the clutch lever ? On a lot of bikes the clutch release bearing will rattle a little when not under any load . Not sure what the set up is on the WRf 426 though .
  14. I like this one , https://youtu.be/NNSCGV_x_f0
  15. P.p.s Sorry folks , (if anyone is interested ) , It's actually , positively a Diversion 600 rear wheel . Our hero took my advice on board and decided to change the oil filter . Good man! However he managed to shear one of the bolts holding the oil filter retaining plate . Cue panicky text at 10pm . ( Always try to get an early start so you'll be fresh and alert ) I rocked around to his next morn to have a look . It wasnt a total disaster , once the sump plate was removed ,the end of the bolt was protruding about 3mm from the thread and screwed out easily by hand . So , a new gasket should see her right . I did however take the opportunity to remove the (barely functional ) rear brake , so he'll(I'll) have to sort that and the front brakes before the bike ventures on the road again (sigh of relief) . I'll keep you posted , I'm sure this isn't the end of this one .
  16. KevtheRev

    Thick as shit

    Tighten the bejesus out of the flywheel nut/bolt , weld it up , and then tie a long rope around the rear wheel . I'm sure Wild'n'Foamy could do with an anchor for his new canoe .
  17. I wonder if they checked the inside of the tyre/rim for sharp objects before they fitted the new tube ??
  18. The CG125 has a washable oil filter . I guess other bikes just haven't caught up with this level of hi-tech just yet .
  19. I'm hoping the motor blows up before he finds out what happens when the brake pistons pop out just when you need 'em most . He has been warned !
  20. "The Thing" went from Wexford to Donegal and back during the week . I asked matey if he'd changed the oil filter or fixed the brakes like I told him before he left . Is there an oil filter ? he replied . No reply on the brakes front . Truly , ignorance is bliss !!!???
  21. I think they keep 'em next to those " JMLGator Grip" things that they used to have ads for on TV. Guaranteed to undo even the toughest nuts , har har !!
  22. There are kits available which have bolts to replace the rivets , and a new damper . Not sure but try Mitaka .
  23. P.s. That was a Varadero 125 rear wheel . Actually I'm now told the wheel is from a TDR 125 .
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