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Everything posted by Simon46

  1. Looks good. If youve got a dt you will have lotsa help from this forum!
  2. What do you guys think of a Oxford GPS tracker?
  3. Congratulations. Thats the hard part done!
  4. Sold my dt125mx and swopped my 175mx choke assy for the new owner as mine would not stay engaged unless you held it out by hand. Has anyone got one in a box of bit somewhere that I could purchase? Sorry if its in the wrong forum. Regards Simon
  5. Theres one below that listing for 9 grand!
  6. Yes I made a cone fly on lessons. Tuck your boots in instructor said. You have experience so just get used to weight/power. Feather that clutch! Go for it Regards Simon
  7. Clutch basket fitted with new heavy duty EBC plates. Got it from USA but it has holes in it http://i235.photobucket.com/albums/ee14/Simon46/Mobile Uploads/DSC_0322.jpg Old basket play vid http://s235.photobucket.com/user/Simon46/media/Mobile Uploads/MOV_0321.mp4.html
  8. Well just fitted the rt180 boost bottle with reed block (std reeds) and been out for a spin. Kin ell loads of low end grunt and wheel lifting before the powerband. Smoother as well. No difference with higher rpm but he is still tight. http://i235.photobucket.com/albums/ee14/Simon46/Mobile Uploads/DSC_0331.jpg
  9. One of these? http://i235.photobucket.com/albums/ee14/Simon46/Mobile Uploads/DSC_0323_1.jpg
  10. Mine had landed on a rock and cracked case. Shaft was bent too and difficult to get out. Found good shaft and case in USA and kept matching numbers.
  11. Well put engine back in the frame finished at 2am this morning in the conservatory. Missus says this is not a garage it is a conservatory. I retorted with her lads box of toys has sat in there 6 yrs! Started it 8 am this morn all good but still the knock on rhs casing not there under acceleration or deceleration. Going to buy a basket off evilbay and take it apart and find bolt kit that fits. Many thanks for all your input! Regards Simon
  12. Yes see that yambits do the basket kits but for RD's. Is there rubbers in a 175 basket? The knock on mine is a metallic clunk.
  13. Sheared the head off a bolt off in the clutch basket! 15 quid on fine drill bits later went to Brian s Pope stockport and got new bolt Just rebuilding clutch and noticed there is play on the basket gear and the basket. Will I have to go to grampian again to have the 6 studs that hold the gear to the basket oversized and the basket drilled? Got a feeling thats where the bottom end knock was coming from. Regards Simon
  14. Already been in trouble for that too. And im a domestic appliance engineer!
  15. Oops busted by missus who came home early. House stinks of gearbox oil with crankcase in oven at 140 degrees. Frozen Crankshaft just fell into mains. Might be a takeaway tonight!
  16. Well just been to grampian. Fantastic service. Supplied me with full gasket set double sided oil seal for primary side and single sided for flywheel side. They checked crank o ring and said it was fine. The new rod has a slit in it for oiling the big end more. Nice and tight now! Regards Simon
  17. Yes its to show you bulb is working.
  18. Again yes. Not even 50 miles since new seals and crank bearings fitted . Seen a post about an o ring so will be checking that too. Many thanks Simon
  19. Looks like my crank is wet with gearbox oil. Smells burnt. http://i235.photobucket.com/albums/ee14/Simon46/Mobile Uploads/DSC_0243.jpg And this is my new piston http://i235.photobucket.com/albums/ee14/Simon46/Mobile Uploads/DSC_0244.jpg
  20. I got both the rubber and the nylon wheel as a set from eBay off a guy in Germany. Search seal guard. Regards Simon
  21. If the bikes been rebored will I need 1 and a half bands? If I cut the second band slimmer will that be OK?
  22. It did sound like someone hitting the cooling fins with a hammer when it was running. Its got side to side play as well. I see grampian do conrod kits for most machines. Will call them later. Many thanks!
  23. Oh just found the conrod big end is flapping up and down on the crank. and the threads have gone on the exhaust bolts. Woe is me
  24. Finally removed exhaust. Turns out the rear head stud nut is 12mm socket where the rest of them are 13mm for some reason from the schoolboy 80s. All other head nuts are still torqued. Thread is stripped on stud. Another gasket kit then!
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