75 dt 400 out of time?
I'll look, I do know that the key is gone, so I tried connecting the brown and red wire together and no change
1975 dt 400 backfires and kickback
Ok, but I have an old Yamaha manual that says those are the factory jets for a 1975 dt 400. I put a timing light on it and it seems to be firing 2" before the pulsar pickup. The mark on the magneto 2" before pulsar
1975 dt 400 backfires and kickback
Ok, but I have an old Yamaha manual that says those are the factory jets for a 1975 dt 400. I put a timing light on it and it seems to be firing 2" before the pulsar pickup. The mark on the magneto 2" before pulsar
1975 dt 400 backfires and kickback
75 dt 400 out of time?
Cdi no points, no key and the kill switch is a wire that you touch to the handle bars. No blinkers , no headlight, no voltage regulater, and the only electronics left is the cdi box.
75 dt 400 out of time?
Most of wiring is cut out, no key but I tried connecting the red and brown wire out of the terminal, no change. Will check wiring again. And woodruff key is good
75 dt 400 out of time?
I did with a used one, did the exact same thing.
75 dt 400 out of time?
I did with a used one, did the exact same thing.
75 dt 400 out of time?
Hello, I've got a bike that starts, idles fine but 3/4 throttle backfires pretty bad. Messed with the timing no change. Put a timing light on it and seems like the mark on the magneto is about 2" early on the pulsar pick up. So, maybe the cdi? Someone cut out a lot of the wiring to make it more of a dirt bike. Anyone have any ideas? Thanks in advance
WR400 F Reving itself ?
There has to be a little slack (free play) in the throttle cable. When you turn the handle bars side to side, does it rev up? If so that's it
1975 dt 400 backfires and kickback
No, it was, fixed that, that was the first thing I checked. The fin on the bigger coil that holds a couple wires is cracked. I jb welded that. Would that do anything negative? The wires are still soldered together and not touching metal.
1975 dt 400 backfires and kickback
I pulled the reed block, looks like there hanging open just a bit, around .020 is that excessive? Would that be making it pop? And have a dead spot about 1/4 to 1/2 way open? The main jet is 160 and the pilot is 40.
1975 dt 400 backfires and kickback
Ok thanks everybody, I will keep you posted
1975 dt 400 backfires and kickback
Hello there, I got this bike that runs, it just kicksback and backfires when you open it up. Starts and idles but spark plug gets sooty after just a few minutes of running.I adjusted the timing a little bit forward then backward, it didnt seem to help. Anybody have any ideas? Thanks
1973 at2 125 no spark
Man thanks, it fired right up, I was confused I guess, I was using a 6v battery and it wasn't working. Yesterday i noticed a lot of the electronics had a 12v emblem on them. I always thought those bikes were 6v. I put a 12v jumper box on it and it fired up. Thanks again.
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