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  1. So I'm looking to put bigger wheels on my dragstar with white wall tyres, but where do I start?? I've tried searching the net for motorcycle rims but I can't seem to find a dedicated site or something sayin "this rim will fit such and such bike"?? Tyres seem easy enough to get a hold of but if I want bigger weeks I'm assuming I have to get bigger rims? (As u can tell I'm a total novice when it comes to this sort of thing)
  2. Which will make eventually getting a bigger bike all the sweeter I suppose....
  3. Thanks Ttaskmaster, I have read about the hole drilling mod but not comfortable doing that, i think it would mess with the performance. I think your right, will just have to wait for a bigger bike. I just seen some of the Bobber conversions on the 125s on youtube and thought they looked and sounded amazing! This one in particular: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ouatq00ByMM Just wish there was an easy, cost conscious way of doing it! lol.
  4. Thanks for the Replies! Quick question, im looking for a nicer sounding exhaust for my dragstar, i know its only a 125 but ive no intention of going for my liscence over the next 12 months so i'm not going to be getting a bigger bike anytime soon, so im looking around the net trying to find out info and i keep seeing these highway hawk guys pop up. they seem pretty expensive however there are a couple of second hand highway hawk pipes for a 650 dragstar on ebay that seem reasonable, will they fit my 125 or will i need to get pipes made for the 125? (ok not so quick question) :-)
  5. Hi there, Just a quick post to introduce myself. I have owned a Yamaha XVS 125 Drag star for 2 years. It has been in storage for a year now but i have got it back out and into a motorcycle garage to get it up and running again (hopefully good to go by tonight). I've signed up to the sight for a few reasons: Help with any mechanical issues, To give the benefit of my limited experience to whomever wants it and to get a bit of inspiration for modding the bike. On the 1st reason i would like to ask if anyone has access to a electronic version of a workshop manual for an XVS 125 Drag star? Once i get it back from the garage i would like to keep on top of keeping it maintain and from what i have read the workshop manuals are the best and most detailed? On the last reason, if anyone has some good examples of modded XVS 125's i would love to see them! Also people who are currently working on projects for that bike specifically i would love to see the progress! If anyone has any good sites to get nice modification accessories for and xvs 125 please share. Many Thanks