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Everything posted by rossonza

  1. rossonza replied to rossonza's post in a topic in General
  2. Hi guys. not too much to update as im waiting to be paid before ordering the following: Indicators front and rear brake pads LED(S) for rear numberplate light - going to use power feed for rear light to spur and light up some custom numberplate lights. Valves Chain Sprockets Wheels will have to be around July time sadly. Found an OK(ish) pair but no tyres/sprockets and they are miles away. Anyways, So my dad came over to see me and brought along with him 2x 1.8,meter 70w strip lights. Bearings ready to be removed: Sanded the axle as it was caked in mud and surface rust (was a right ball ache to get the rear wheel out: Old bearing: Old and New bearings: Looking much better/cleaner: Back on the ground on 2 wheels: My friends taken my center stand to weld some extra metal on to raise the height. as you can see we had to use weights to get her off the ground enough to work on the rear. So, Should have a nice load of Christmas presents coming next week! :-) Ross.
  3. Ahhhhhhh ok. I did find adjustment was just right on the end of the thread. So it had to be screwed all the way in. So ill try mixtures once I've sealed the exhaust header (getting a custom header to end can welded up). Update later with pics
  4. rossonza posted a post in a topic in General
    Anyone know if they fit? Watching some on ebay but want to be sure. Thanks Ross
  5. Cables arrived! woooo
  6. Given up for the night. Fitted my decomp bracket and of course what happens? Decomp cable snaps..so ones coming Friday. :-( Still need to get her to idle. Any tips? The black knob on the side doesn't feel like it's doing much. Havnt touched my mixture screw since fitting (1.5 turns out)
  7. Fired her up. Sounds a lot quieter. Should pass an mot with that now. The link between the end can and the header pipe is not sealed well at all though..boooo Manual decomp bracket should be here tomorrow or Wednesday. So ill get a video of her going then. Checked the lights worked too..just got to rig up indicators and a horn. Oh and switch gear. Front pads need doing so may as well do rears too..so nearly MOT time. Sprockets and chain being ordered on then 30th. Just need to raise the idle speed now (black knob on carb clockwise?) Cheers Ross
  8. got home and ive sorted it. Not the best looking and ill give her a good clean/polish and fingers crossed shes a bit quieter. Filled as much as i can: Put some exhaust paste on the end that slides into the can: First time using a pop rivet gun and was surprisingly easy to use. could have maybe done with slightly bigger rivets but will do until i get round to buying a posh end can: Looks ok on the bike so, as i said will do for now. Valves and chain/sprockets then its MOT time :-)
  9. Baffle material has arrived. Will hopefully fit tonight.
  10. So. Had the day off again today so I headed to bromsgrove to see my mate Steve. I knew the exhaust sounded loud. Too loud. turns out the previous owner cut her down and repacked with less than half the original packing. So ill order some more and fill her up and re-rivet. Ross
  11. haha yea, to be honest my friends do most of the work and i try bit and bobs (tea and coffee making ). but the knowledge they have far exceeds my basic knowledge. think calipers need rebuilding so trying to find brake caliper rebuild kits in the UK for a decent price. as usual loads in the US ebay. damnittttt still a long way to go really but it at least feels like I'm getting closer with her. just trying to figure out which way the throttle cables go as the ends are slightly different. and as usual i didnt take pictures or take notes of the original cables.
  12. Good to know, Thank you. £650 of pure torque and the nut was off in seconds. Old and New: freezer strat: ended up using some of my weights to get the race washer on (aka weight slide hammer): front end back on: Next to tackle was the water pump seal, Turns out someone may have done this before and put the water seal in backwards. Clutch basket is in great condition and theres no movement so all good clutch side. Checked for any bits of metal too and the bottom end is really nice and clean: Old seals and bearing out, new ones in: back together and almost ready to test: WINNER: the new mixture screw hadnt threaded the carb, turns out the carb bottom had a bur on the inside, so a quick whizz with the drill and the new screw fits perfect. set to 1.5 turns out. you can see compared the difference between drilled and not drilled carb bottom: Didnt get chance to put fluids in again as i needed a new exhaust bolt. so whilst the rads off i thought id not bother putting fluids back in yet. exhaust didnt get opened up so thats on the list. started to replace the clutch cable and throttle cables but again ran out of time. Also replaced the kick starter lever from the other engine so it feels much nicer. left to do: 1. re-pack exhaust 2. refit exhaust header pipe 3. tape over drilled airbox holes. 4. refit headlight unit. 5. fit new grips 6. replace valves 7. fit new rear wheel bearings 8. MOT Thanks Ross
  13. small update before i start work on her tomorrow with my friends: when i got the v5 i noted the bike had "Was registered/Used overseas, Declared manufactured 1999" - Whereas the bike said first registration was 2003. I phoned the DVLA and they advised they couldnt advise me. So i phoned Yamaha UK and spoke to a helpful chap. Hes advised it was from "Mainland Europe" and thats all he knew. re-ran my insurance check and its £5 more expensive than the last time i checked so not bad at all :-) hopefully BIG updates tomorrow.
  14. Mud came out with the old screw. I just hadn't cleaned it enough initially. Yeah I've got.some bearing grease. That should do :-) Thursdays bike day. Got the day off work so it may be near mot time at the end of the day. Wooooo
  15. Sorry dt I did read what you had said. The screw was 1.2 turns out. Thanks mate just checking. Going to retap my new mixture screw. Looks like the carbs fine. Sprayed some carb cleaner down her.
  16. Does the black lever thing on this picture look to be in the correct place (one with the plunger) i thought it clicked out of place whilst i was removing the carb from the bike. x
  17. Had a bad night. Old screw would not come out. Turns out the washer was fubar and came out in bits. Got it out in the end. Then trying to put the new adjuster in I've threaded the first 2 threads on the new mixture screw. So I don't know yet if I've wrecked the carb or just the mixture screw. Now in a bad mood
  18. My carb mixture screw has come today. So all outstanding parts apart from the rear wheel bearings are here. Plan is to do all the jobs on Thursday as ive got the day off. then i only need a few items to get it ready for MOT. WOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOoooooooo I'm guessing the numbers on the end are to figure out how many turns of adjustment you make? Ross.
  19. Well i've ordered replacement bearings for the rear. And ill maintain her much better than the previous owner. + I've also got my first garage, So She'll be nice and warm and dry over winter. Fully agree DT, I will definitely be cleaning it right after off road use, But the majority of my riding will be dry road use. items left to do: Order valves and fit Order and fit oil filter fit water pump replacement bearing and seals fit replacement clutch cable fit replacement throttle cable fit replacement head bearings fit after market mixture screw fit replacement rear wheel bearings drill and re-pack exhaust. baaaah feels like i've done nothing!!!!!!!!!
  20. Got some parts come through the post today As you can see they are full of crud. Cleaned them out and put new bearings in..old ones had 3/4pm sideways movement. Think they have been in there a while. Going to order rears as I don't want to chance my mot on potential crap rear bearings even though they feel fine now. Grips and cables going on once I have managed to do the head bearings :-)
  21. 3 pins on the back of the headlight. I thought about wiring the dipped beam into the running power, then have full on the button. So off would be Dipped and On would be main beam
  22. Any ideas on headlight switch control for the wr? It's got off. Or full beam. Can I simply buy a switch control and wire it in?or should the headlight work on dipped beam when the engines running and full beam when turned on? Cheers Ross
  23. Gotcha. I didn't drill it so filling in the holes wouldn't be an issue for me. Maybe when I'm chasing power ill mod those sorts of things :-)
  24. I'm lost. What do you mean cynic?
  25. Will do, thanks for the input mate