DT 100 Enduro Oil Light on
Right on...I was hoping it was something simple. Love this bike and hate to have her burn up because of something simple like oil. Was worried the oil injection system had issues or something. Thanks!
DT 100 Enduro Oil Light on
Hey guys. Got a 82' DT100 Enduro that has been running great as of late. I did notice that when I start it up in neutral, the oil light stays illuminated in red until I pop it into 1st gear and start riding. The oil never comes on unless I am in neutral. Is this reason for concern? Thanks as always. Dave
1982 DT 100 Enduro - Won't start!
I did notice that it has a hard time at idle...sounds like it wants to die. I messed with the idle screw and had some improvements but still wanted to die regardless of where it was positioned.
1982 DT 100 Enduro - Won't start!
Good evening, I tried everyone's advice. It was helpful. I also bypassed the in-line fuel filter and added the air-filter/box back onto the carb, Cleaned the carb as well as I possibly could, cleaned spark plug and after putting everything back together two kicks and she was running again. Thanks again to all for your input. Very pleased that the Yamaha is running again!
1982 DT 100 Enduro - Won't start!
I plan to work on the bike tonight, sorry for the delay in response. I will have more info this evening on how it went. Thank you all very much.
1982 DT 100 Enduro - Won't start!
Gotcha. I know exactly what you are talking about. I will check and report back this evening. Thanks so much!
1982 DT 100 Enduro - Won't start!
I will try the teaspoon of fuel idea tonight and let you know. I am no expert at cleaning the carb and I have been suspect that I missed something putting it back together this round. dt502001 When you mention 'Slide is in backwards' is that one of the parts on the carb? BlackHat250 The choke has always been a bit strange to me on this bike..sometimes like it isn't doing anything! When you say needs attention do you mean cleaning it/replacing it etc? THANKS GUYS. Please let me know about the SLIDE/CHOKE.
1982 DT 100 Enduro - Won't start!
Hey guys, The plug was virtually brand new. I even replaced it with a new one while testing. The spark was very strong. In fact, I was surprised at the size of the blue spark that came off the spark plug. Visible in day light. Tommy xs, When you say 'kill switch' do you simply mean the handlebar on/off switch? It is in the run position. On this bike it has three settings: two settings to kill the motor and one for run... Please let me know if that is not the kill switch.
1982 DT 100 Enduro - Won't start!
Hello guys, my first post on your site! My Yamaha was running fine, a little hard to start but not bad. I decided I should clean the carb, gas tank and petcock. Put everything back together (correctly as far as I can tell) and now it won't start at all.New fuel, petcock clean and allowing fuel through. Inline fuel filter clean, carb getting fuel, floats working, good spark on spark plug, no oil light on. Ignition in on position with key in it. I am at a loss. Any thoughts or recommendations would be GREATLY appreciated. Dave
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