New type of bike security
That was my pic lol!!!! Was in motorcycle monthly Sent from my C6603 using Tapatalk
New to forum, yamahas and the world of bikes so huge hello!!
Thanks guys. Apparently the yamaha rep has been in bike shop today so will call and try and get some news on the bike tomoz :-D Sent from my C6603 using Tapatalk
Caring for my new bike
Perfect! I have got chain lubing gear in with the deal on my bike and as it will be daily then I shall be washing and doing chain clean/lube weekly. Yeah got too many tools and that last paragraph is something I will defo remember! Sent from my C6603 using Tapatalk
Caring for my new bike
What's low revs on a bike? Only ever run in car engines that limit at 6500. Sent from my C6603 using Tapatalk
Caring for my new bike
What's the best way to run them in? Bearing in mind I'll be learning to ride at the same time Sent from my C6603 using Tapatalk
Caring for my new bike
Never owned or rode (a manual) bike before. What do I need to do to make sure she is in the best of condition. I'm a vehicle tech by trade so am mechanicaly minded. Need to know the basics really, it's a new bike so servicing will be done at dealer for warranty purposes for now. Anything I can read through to teach me the mechanics behind a bike is good as I have a lot of mechanical sympathy and like to know how things work ;-) Thanks guys
Security for my new bike?
Nice one. I'm not nieve and know if they want it they will take it, just want to deter the common scrote from taking my pride and joy for a burn. So far I'm planning on an oxford screamer disc lock, a chain of some sort anchored to the garage floor then alarms on the garage door and swords in the house if I hear anything ;-) Sent from my C6603 using Tapatalk
Security for my new bike?
Oh my gosh! Sent from my C6603 using Tapatalk
Motorbike Tax E-Petition
From what I have seen 1st October is when they bring in the new system Sent from my C6603 using Tapatalk
Security for my new bike?
That sounds like a good plan. Will have a look into an alarm. Are disc locks size specific? Sent from my C6603 using Tapatalk
Security for my new bike?
Thanks for that very detailed reply! I'm gonna like this place!!! Any recommendations as to chains and disclocks? Will look into garage alarms but it's very quiet around here and it's a cul-de-sac but we do have pikeys steel collections come down. Seen some oxford branded chains and locks at halfords (I know but it came up in Google lol) but not really sure of brands. Is there any brands that the name alone will deter thieves? Sent from my C6603 using Tapatalk
Security for my new bike?
Ok so if you saw my intro post you will know I'm brand new to this exciting world of bikes! I could do with some suggestions as to what to use to stop scum liberating my new bike! I'm guessing the previous person in my house was a biker as there is some sort of ground anchor in the garage floor so what I need is something for securing it at home in the garage and something for when I'm out and about and at work please. Go! ;-) Sent from my C6603 using Tapatalk
New to forum, yamahas and the world of bikes so huge hello!!
Thanks! Just found it on you tube so will watch it in the hotel over the next week while I'm away! Sent from my C6603 using Tapatalk
New to forum, yamahas and the world of bikes so huge hello!!
It's all good, skins waterproof lol
New to forum, yamahas and the world of bikes so huge hello!!
When can I get one from? Any good magazines worth getting? Sent from my C6603 using Tapatalk
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