Barn Find Restoration
Hi first to Nev, no i'm not far from Ilkeston, i'm in Long Eaton,but when i removed the number plate, you can see a faint name on the bottom which said supplied by Granby Motors of Ilkeston, a friend of mine used to race for them back in the 60s, anyway the bike is now stripped and is at the powder coaters, for shotblasting and coating back to black, the engine has been stripped and rebuilt into good casings, supplied by RDJames, barrels are going next week for rebore and new pistons, hubs have been cut out of wheels, and are being restored before i have them rebuilt, i am making a list of parts that are beyond redememtion, to take to Stafford show in April, will post some more pics when i get the frame and parts back.
Barn Find Restoration
Thanks Dirty DT, I am about 8 miles from derby,
Barn Find Restoration
Today I removed the engine for total stripdown. after removing debris, fir cones etc, I noticed that the left side crankcase was damaged above and below the drive sprocket, probably had a snapped chain. so I am looking for a set of crankcases, CorD model. any one out there with a set they want to part with?
Barn Find Restoration
I have just bought a 1976 Yamaha RD 250c for restoration
New project
how much for the cases?
New project
I lifted the engine out today, intending to start the strip down. but on removing the covers found that the drive side crankcase has suffered a bit of damage, above and below the final drive sprocket. the engine number is 1A2-202835, on reading other posts I believe this to be a D model, although the frame is numbered 1A2-005412 which I believe is a 1976 C model, now what I want to do is buy another set of crankcases, but will I have to buy another set of D model cases, or, will a set of C cases be ok,what I am getting at is, will my internals from the D cases fit into a set of C cases without giving me any problems. as there are a set on ebay at the moment, which look ok.
loading pictures
Thank you feliks, its easy when you know how.
New project
This is the new project
New project
loading pictures
no joy
loading pictures
No still wont have it,
loading pictures
sorry jimmy, tried that, as someone said it on one of the threads, have just had another go but no luck, everything goes fine, until I press ok, the URL goes into the image box, no problem, but when I press the ok button, nothing happens, it just sits there.and does not show the picture.
loading pictures
Hi I have been trying to download some pictures, but having problems, I have checked other threads on the subject and tried various methods without success, I will go through the method I am using and perhaps someone can put me right. first I go into my thread, write a few words, and then go into my photobucket, pick the photo I want to add to my text,press get link codes, press IMG, press copy, bring up Y O C press image icon, insert URL press paste, press ok, and nothing?
New project
ok I have tried to download from photobucket, but it wont download pics, I have got picture off photobucket pressed link,, pressed copy, pressed image icon, pasted URL, pressed OK, but nothing happens. I have tried it on Direct, and on IMG, but same outcome.
New project
ok here are a few pics of CR750
Raymond Merry
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