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Everything posted by FizzyRascal

  1. I'm new also. Welcome.
  2. FizzyRascal replied to Joe Lamb's post in a topic in New Members Welcome Area
  3. Welcome to the forums - I'm 'new' myself.
  4. Hi

    FizzyRascal replied to larsoncurtisw's post in a topic in New Members Welcome Area
  5. FizzyRascal replied to FizzyRascal's post in a topic in The Bar
    To each their own dude.
  6. FizzyRascal posted a post in a topic in The Bar
    The 'new' one I mean? I've fallen in love with the looks (my 70s thing again.) Any good?
  7. Just one incident - one bike 'nipped up' once. He grabbed the clutch, then waited till it cooled down, restarted - and it was fine after that. My bike needed a ring job after the trip tho'.
  8. Last lot . . . More Med . . . We got caught up in an 'Oldtimers' Classic Car rally in Cannes . . . not many pics tho', I'm afraid . . . We made it! English/American food (and tea!) . . . in Monaco . . . The Monaco Grand Prix had been on the weekend before . . . Kevo on Pole Position . . . Me . . . on the podium . . . We did a couple of circuits of the GP track . . . on pole again . . . Video of circuit here: https://www.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=540191542680629&set=pb.540182312681552.-2207520000.1391600879.&type=3&permPage=1#!/photo.php?v=588671371165979&set=vb.540182312681552&type=2&theater That's all I have . . .
  9. Riding thru' those Alps . . . St. Martine . . . It was the 'background' we were interested in (wink) French 'Micro Cars' are mad! NO LICENCE REQUIRED! (Google them!) Pizza Delivery Boy . . .
  10. Riding thru' Sete . . . Roman Arena at Arles . . . Complete with modern day 'Gladiator' re-enactments . . . And American tourists . . . View from the Maritime Alps (near Paul Ricard race circuit) - those Alps were tough on the baby 50s . . . The Mediterranean (again) . . . and tea (again) . . .
  11. A few more . . . We finally hit the Med . . . So we stopped for a spot of sunbathing . . . Although one of our number hadn't quite grasped the concept . . . full riding gear!!! WTF?!!! Si and Kevo even took a dip . . . More later (if anyone's remotely interested.)
  12. On our way again . . . it got warmer . . . Don't try this at home kids . . . French car graveyard . . . Carcasonne Castle/Cite . . . it's difficult to grasp the size/scale from just pics . . . At night . . . More later . . .
  13. Castle battlements . . . When in France . . . SURRENDER!!! Really cool old Lincoln spotted in a layby . . . more tea too! Old town, complete with 'Norman era' wall . . . And . . . MORE TEA!! Friendly pigeon . . . Sat on the patio, having just arrived at my place - near Limoges - about halfway thru' the trip . . . Bit of maintenance on the 'day off' at my place . . . Busking/Jamming on my patio . . . the weather improved . . . Si, on my 70s Suzuki GT185 (still on our 'day off'.)
  14. Si tried to buy this abandoned Simca . . . Dead plug . . . bloody 2 strokes eh? Tea stop . . . Very cool Porsche at Le Mans . . . BURNOUT!!! Rural France . . .
  15. The Eiffel Tower . . . As you guys probably know, Paris traffic is MADNESS! The worst offenders aren't the car drivers tho' . . . it was the Maxi-scoot riders who happily cut anything up . . . we weren't impressed. The Palace of Versailles . . . with a couple of friendly Gendarmes. Look at that sky!!! Yes, we got wet . . . AGAIN!! I should probably apologise for the naff quality 'phone pics - a Go-Pro is required for next time . . . Paris again . . . but it looks like it could be (Marble Arch) London . . . Champs Elysees tho'. (Detective) Columbo's car . . . in a Paris showroom/museum . . . "Just one more thing..."
  16. Margate Clock - on a very grey British JUNE morning!!! (Ignore the bigger bike on the left - he just popped down to see us off.) Then the short(ish) ride to the Ferry at Dover . . . First 'Tea and Cake' stop in France (still very cold - and this was June!!) The fountains at Abbeville . . . And the Abbey . . . The 'Arc De Triomphe' in Paris (which is a bit of a misnomer if you know anything about French military history ) We rode around it - anyone who's ever driven it will tell you - it's DANGEROUS! Just 'close your eyes' and go seems to be the best policy. Video here: https://www.facebook.com/photo.php?v=584064081626708
  17. I've previously posted this stuff on another forum . . . but I thought I'd share some pics from last year's Margate 2 Monaco trip (the long way) we did on 50cc 'peds. I'm not sure if 'The Bar' is the right forum for this - or whether it should go in the 'Rideouts' bit. Apologies if I've posted in the wrong place. We went west rather than east so we could take in Paris, a trip around the Le Mans circuit (in the pouring rain) and break the trip with a day off at my place here in Limousin. In a very, very wet April 2012 we raised over £30,000 for Brad's Cancer Foundation doing John O' Groats to Land's End (please see: http://www.facebook.com/JOGLE4BRADS ) - we had so much fun, we HAD to do another. The route took us 1200 miles thru' some of the nicest French countryside. We had a bit of wet weather to start with, but once south of Limoges it was lovely and warm. My (blue) rider and (red) 'back up' bike - that wasn't used.
  18. Thanks for the warm welcome guys.
  19. This is a fair point. I'm 'reliving my youth' with my Fizzies and stuff. I got my first moped in 1973 (at 16) There's a whole generation out there that never ever rode tho'.
  20. Yeah I was. (You can't light petrol (2 stroke) with a ciggie dude. )
  21. This was kinda my thinking . . . who knows what the 'next thing' will be.