xt250 6v 12v Conversion?
it's cdi, now i see why it was sold on, to much money in to it, to stop now.
xt250 6v 12v Conversion?
Any wiring wizards out there!, Restoring a 81 xt250 bought as a non runner, problems with the wiring etc. I bought a new 6v xt loom, New ecu, 6v coil, switches etc, Now had a look at the stator at the weekend and discovered it's from a sr250, which is obviously 12v, also the reg-rectifier is off a sr250, so don't know, is it best to try and link the stator to the 6v loom or get a new sr 12v loom and start again, is there much differance? any one done this in the past?, any one got a xt250 stator they want to sell?, none on ebay at the moment. Am a little lost at the moment, Any help would be great, Tony.
xt250 ecu
Hi tommytenbikes. Got myself a new yamaha ecu (169 pounds) 3y1-20 , now starting to fit this, slight problem. The new loom i got has two red wires with the other wires for the ecu, there is one red wire coming out of the ecu, has yours? We sent a test down one red wire with a spade conector, and the other end was the battery red wire, this is a after market loom, not a yamaha one but they say it is the same, ie 1980 to 83 uk and europe, any help will be Appreciated. many thanks Tony.
xt250 ecu
Need help, rewiring a xt250 non runner, fitted a new loom, switch and coil, the cdi i got is not fitting my loom, think it not a bike one. i like to make it a 12v system, do i need to get a 6v ecu or later 12v ecu, the regulator is a 12v one, any help will be great! many thanks Tony.
yamaha xt250
Tommytenbikes, many thanks for sending the wiring diagram, the area i stuck on is the ecu, the one that came with the bike is off god knows where,a car i think, trying to convert it to 12v, have you converted yours to 12v?, if i buy a used ecu do i need a 6v early one or later 12v one if you or any one knows it will be a great help, Tony.
yamaha xt250
Many thanks, the bike look GREAT!
yamaha xt250
Hi, just pop in to say hi, new member today, i am in to xt's and got a xt500 and a xt250. the 250 is being done up at the moment, having problems with the wiring, but can't get hold of a good wiring diagram for a 1981.if any one got one it would be helpful,the rest of the bike is coming on ok. the 500 is working great. will look in again tomorrow, Tony in cornwall.
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