Everything posted by jonnytzrroberts
tzr powervalve
Iv had the exhaust off pal.as we speak the valve is open n goes like a rocket
tzr powervalve
My servo must be nakered then coz iv tryed the powervalve half shut and the bike was shit lol must not ov been opening but now its open it goes like train
tzr powervalve
Yeah it helps pal anything is beta than nowt ill have a look wen I finish work.shud it open wen I open the throttle coz there is 3 cables
tzr powervalve
Wat wud you say the proper position is mate
tzr powervalve
Not too sure about uk spec its a 1993.the bike runs fine justabit slugish on bottom end hence the powervalve is open.not too sure wat I need to do for it to work properly or wat is stopping it from working correctly the servo has 3 cable and it says 4fl
tzr powervalve
Yep it turns wen I turn ignition on and I have a hell ov alot ov top end but not much bottom..how do I resolve it..wat makes it open then wen riding.
tzr powervalve
I I have a tzr 125 with electric powervalve how does it work.coz im not sure if my powervalve is moving.my servo has got 3 cables connected thanks jonny
tzr 125 clutch
Hi I hav a 4hw tzr is there any other modals wat are the same parts I need a new basket plates hub n springs n bolt just findin it hard to find one for my modal
whos the best person for tzr125
The old basket has too much play in it
whos the best person for tzr125
Just basket etc.
whos the best person for tzr125
Just bort a barrel so thats the powervalve sorted...will a 4dl clutch fit my 4hw.
whos the best person for tzr125
The bolt side ov the powervalve.i think a may just hav to get a new barrel.oh well thanks for everyones help
whos the best person for tzr125
Your rite they do bolt together but where the bolt goes thats the bit that has snapped
whos the best person for tzr125
My tzr is a 1993 4hw but the barrel is a 4fu and yess it does run.i pulled the engine out to rebiuld or refresh and found that I need a new clutch basket.the basket is not a problem as im watchin a few on ebay but the power valve shaft in the barrel has snapped and they are discontinued.really findin it hard to find one
whos the best person for tzr125
Rite well my bottim end is a 4hw modal but the barrel is a 4fu wich I think is a tdr is there any other barrels the same or any other powervalves the same
whos the best person for tzr125
How they helping wen I ask a question n all I get was piss take replys like they hav 2 wheels
whos the best person for tzr125
Iv snapped my powervalve just just findin it hard to find one or if any other modals will fit it
whos the best person for tzr125
Need some infor on my tzr 125 4hw but my barrel is a 4fu modal
tzr adjustable leavers
Adjustable leavers for a tzr where can i get some any ideas
My left side ov engine and yes its get abit more faster rattle noise as i go faster
Hi there my tzr are is starting to make a slight rattle noise.i cant hear it wen the bike is ticking ova.i can only hear it wen riding openin the throttle
Wud a r6 starter relay work on a tzr125 they look the same...fuse type relay
tzr125 4hw model
Tryed cleaninf best i can still clicking
tzr125 4hw model
Hi there my tzr 4hw model now n again the starter relay just clicks wen tryin to start therefore i give it a tap or wiggle a few wires then it fires.how wud i no or how wud i be able to check if i need a new one thanks jonny
tzr125 4hw model
Thanks for the info.