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  1. Just take the cover off there is no oil or anything like that.On that side of your engine i would guess is the flywheel so everything will be nice and dry.Its not a big job,remove the gear change lever and the cover screws and remove cover.
  2. Im confused by your question dtr_125,if your chain is jammed between your front sprocket and the engine case then its just a matter of removing the left side cover and sorting it out.
  3. R.S. replied to Quack's post in a topic in Dual Sport, Offroad Bikes
    No problem Quack just hope it helps,as far as remember the new cam chain tensioner i bought wasnt that expensive.
  4. R.S. replied to Quack's post in a topic in Dual Sport, Offroad Bikes
    Yes sure just unbolt it from the back off the cylinder and apply pressure on it,if it moves from the position its(goes back) then its faulty and will let pressure off the cam chain which in turn will let your cam chain slip on the cam shaft wheels and then bent valves,this is what happend to my XT350.
  5. R.S. replied to Quack's post in a topic in Dual Sport, Offroad Bikes
    Check your cam chain tensioner isnt to going faulty.