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  1. rob8440 replied to slice's post in a topic in The Bar
    Had the same on my gpz, personally I drilled them out, retapped the threads and used new bolts. Pain in the proverbial, and you need decent drill bits.
  2. Cheers slice, PM sent. Regards Rob
  3. Hi all and merry Christmas. I have a top box and mounting plate from an old bike but the rack won't fit, so I'm looking to fit a rack to my bike, but don't want: a. A huge hunk of metal on the back. b. To spend a fortune. I was thinking of getting some steel/aluminum bars and fix them to the rear passenger handle mounting bolts(I don't carry pillions so don't need the handles), and fix the other end directly to the mounting plate. I'm wanting something minimal, but strong enough to be safe. Before I get shouted at ;-) I have searched this forum and the interweb for 'homemade rack' despite a few interesting rack images (female type) I could find very little. Anyway sorry for rambling on, but basically was wondering if anyone has done this, got pictures, got an engineering degree so I don't end up killing myself or putting the top box through a cage window! Thanks Rob
  4. Well quick update, I've ordered a Haynes manual, just waiting for my friendly postie to deliver it. Also, if there isn't a YouTube channel just for XJ600s diversions (I could find one) I was thinking of starting one. Pulling the best of what's out there on to one channel. Obviously giving full credit to the original poster. Any thoughts? Regards
  5. rob8440 replied to Adamjay90's post in a topic in General
    Hi, Just read this post and thought of this YouTube ke104 repair your motorcycle skin with Lego I saw it recently seems simple enough, and strong. Regards
  6. Cheers slice, Just hoping someone had found a good site/youtube channel, I have searched around. Gonna look now! Cheers again.
  7. rob8440 replied to rob8440's post in a topic in General
    I know I have one for the gpz, just didn't know I was getting the divi till I'd got it. Bit of an impulse buy. Yes sir, sorry sir! I am watching eBay for one.
  8. rob8440 replied to rob8440's post in a topic in General
    Cheers just (re)posted in general... doh.... But hopefully it'll be seen! Thanks Robert
  9. Hi, Sorry bit of a repeat (from my first post) but got 95 XJ600s diversion a few weeks ago, and want to service/check for previous owner cockups but haven't got a Haynes, so was wondering if anyone knows of a good website for maintenance, general repairs ideally with pics or videos. PS this site is awesome, but couldn't find XJ600 specific maintenance video/pics. Many thanks Robert
  10. rob8440 replied to rob8440's post in a topic in General
    P.s. I haven't got a Haynes manual yet..
  11. rob8440 replied to rob8440's post in a topic in General
    Cheers airhead. Quick one.... Does anyone know of a good site with strip down rebuild pics/vids for the xj600 divi. Nothing specific just general stuff. Only had the bike a few weeks and want to do a full service, general "that's f#*ded" check. I'm hoping to tinker with mine over Xmas, but need it ready for work in Jan. Thanks in advance. Robert
  12. rob8440 replied to rob8440's post in a topic in General
    Sorry haven't got a pic of it handy! But can assure you it's very similar to your 'smiley' I.e. a little too round, thankfully not as yellow! Robert.
  13. rob8440 posted a post in a topic in General
    Hi, I've been looking around the forum for a bit, so thought I should formally introduce myself. Aside from my profile, I've been riding for 4 and a bit years. Started with a Kawasaki GPZ500s, have to say great bike for a beginner, just got a 95 XJ600s Diversion, so far no problems (fingers crossed). Divi is great, bit more grunt than the gpz. Only concern/worry is the rattles from the engine, these have been eased thanks to this forum, 'the divi rattle' so cheers for that. Great forum, lots of knowledge/ideas/info. Robert