Everything posted by rzresurection
My RD250LC Project
Make sure you port match the cases to the cylinders while you have your engine down this far. I just did it to my RZ - quite easy to do and worth a couple of hp gain. Good build.
Bringing Her Back to Life
I have an '87 RZ350 that I've had since 1987. I have a long build thread on another forum, so I'm not going to repeat everything. Sorry, just too much to repeat the 35 pages that I've already typed in. I'm the second owner of the bike. The first owner of the bike was a squid that had no respect for motorcycling. I think he was pissed up when he side swiped a tree with the bike. I bought it as a partial basket case. The frame had a missing section (where the kickstand used to be). The engine didn't work - the stator and rotor were screwed. The front bodywork was all smashed. It was a mess. I didn't even know if the front of the frame was straight. I don't have any pics of the bike when I bought it. So, I found a place that could supply me with some TZ 250 (front fairing) and RS250 (solo seat). They repaired my frame. They also did the engine work. I got a quote for the stator/rotor from my Yammie dealer. I was able to buy a used engine (including stator/rotor for less than the price from the dealer. I now have almost a complete spare to this day. Here are some pics of what it looked like when I got it on the road in '88 I'll post more of the story.
Project 86 FZ600 - "Black Yamba"
Nice DA sander you have there.
Project 86 FZ600 - "Black Yamba"
Rims look really good
Project 86 FZ600 - "Black Yamba"
Me - smoke You - no smoke Twins = not possible Mind you, that hole in your exhaust pipe was bringing you closer.
Project 86 FZ600 - "Black Yamba"
Let me know how they turn out - I may be interested in getting something made up from that vinyl.
Project 86 FZ600 - "Black Yamba"
ALWAYS more to do! It never ends. Like I said, shop around for tire installation/balancing prices. I hear Grand River Power Sports (Brantford) are one of the cheapest - not that I have first hand experience with them. Call around.
Project 86 FZ600 - "Black Yamba"
Just watch that the part isn't too flexible. It might just crack the paint - depending on the type of paint used
Project 86 FZ600 - "Black Yamba"
Didn't the ABS and acetone combo work? I did it I n both my fenders and it worked a treat. I prepped the crack by grinding it out. It gave lots space to put in new material. I just found that it took a while to fully cure when I slathered on a lot of ABS.
Project 86 FZ600 - "Black Yamba"
Lookin real good. Man, that'll be back together in no time.
Project 86 FZ600 - "Black Yamba"
Atleast now it will be harder to go into your ass. Lol
Such a sweet score on parts today for the bike!
Super score. You got lots of nice goodies outta that transaction. It was worth the foggy treck. Gonna have to see all this stuff in person at some point.
Project 86 FZ600 - "Black Yamba"
That's just the first time... Lol
Project 86 FZ600 - "Black Yamba"
That's just the first time... Lol
Project 86 FZ600 - "Black Yamba"
For sure possible. It probably has free balls with upper and lower races - like my RZ. I'll show you how to replace them with tapered bearings. Too many wheelies dents the original races. Lol
Project 86 FZ600 - "Black Yamba"
Hell ya. Hard, cold rubber - that's a recipe for disaster. I had the same thing happen to me on my '81 RD one fall. My tires were a little old and hard. They came with the bike when I bought it. Was riding hard one day. The tires were warm enough to work. We stopped for a bit to chat. The sun started setting. The tires weren't warm anymore. The first corner I took...I hit the pavement. I ended on someone's front lawn. You need soft, sticky tires to stay upright.
Project 86 FZ600 - "Black Yamba"
Oh forgot. The tail looks pretty. Lol Looks good. I do like that the signals are integrated.
Project 86 FZ600 - "Black Yamba"
Doesn't matter how much tread you have if the rubber is hard. For sure put new tires on the list. Did you figure out what is the widest tire you can squeeze in there?
Project 86 FZ600 - "Black Yamba"
I'd just bolt it on. You might want to remove it at some point. If you want it permanently mounted later on, bring it by and I'll weld it on for you.
Project 86 FZ600 - "Black Yamba"
Check your book for the ring end gap spec.
Project 86 FZ600 - "Black Yamba"
Start from the top. Remember the rings only ride on the top portion of the cylinder.
Project 86 FZ600 - "Black Yamba"
If you're looking for a local supplier of thread inserts, maybe pick up a cheap thread gauge. Something like this This will give you the pitch, then you need to find the dia of the rod. Or you could look for one of these. They are cheap, but you can get the info from the bolt using this. If the hole is off-centred, you have to try to get the new insert hole centred as best as possible. I'm not sure how much 'off-centre tolerance' there is for your new insert location. If there is a little, you should be ok doing it yourself. See all the things you need when you start doing things yourself. It never ends really.
Project 86 FZ600 - "Black Yamba"
Project 86 FZ600 - "Black Yamba"
What happened about the worries of divorce?
Project 86 FZ600 - "Black Yamba"
Sounds like you'll be fixing your parts.