Everything posted by rzresurection
My Bobber project
I've always liked black with white accents.
My Bobber project
LMFAO Good one neversaydie
Bringing Her Back to Life
No wrinkles/orange peeling going on. You might be seeing some case damage that I have on bottom half of the clutch section (right hand side of the picture). Got the top half of my case stripped. A little more cleaning and it'll be ready for painting.
Its like my donkey in running shoes!
Throw an '82 RD350 LC (4LO for us colonials) motor in it. It will look great and bend that frame. Lol
Bringing Her Back to Life
We Canadians don't want to offend anyone, so we fly our flag in the garage. Lol. I have one out the back yard too.
Project 86 FZ600 - "Black Yamba"
It'll probably take you more cranks to reach the max pressure if you have the butterfly's closed. Do a test for comparison. I'll put money on no difference in pressure open vs closed
Project 86 FZ600 - "Black Yamba"
Nope. The only time you get pressure is on the compression stroke - all valves are closed.
Project 86 FZ600 - "Black Yamba"
Looks pretty good all across the board.
Bringing Her Back to Life
Like my head!! Lol It's kinda patriotic with the reflection of the good olde Maple Leaf. Didn't notice until I posted the pic
Project 86 FZ600 - "Black Yamba"
Get an old classic like Feliks and I have. Relatively easy to work with and modify if so desired. Plus, it's always great to keep these classics on the road.
Bringing Her Back to Life
Started to paint my engine yesterday. Primed and painted
My RD250LC Project
Sorry about the slight hijack Stevec. All applicable points that apply to 2T's
Antifreeze Coolant smoking out of my Motor/Exhaust
+1000000000 Only OEM for head gaskets.
Antifreeze Coolant smoking out of my Motor/Exhaust
If it was a head gasket problem, you should have also seen coolant spewing out your overflow tank.
My RD250LC Project
Hey Flip, I was thinking about the knife edge, but there seems to be a big debate on the RZ forum over it. A lot of the more expert tuners are saying that the knife edge was the NOT the way to go. I had always thought it was better. They are saying that a rounded edge is better. I just left it rounded as I wasn't ready to commit to the knife edge - I can always knife edge it later. Harder to put material back on than it is to take off. I also need a 90 degree grinder. I need to get in the areas where the ports enter the cylinders. Just need to clean more of the casting flash better. Good tips though.
Project 86 FZ600 - "Black Yamba"
Why do you want to go up 3T on the back - just cause the chain isn't tight? You'll gain more torque, but lose some top end speed.
Bringing Her Back to Life
Good idea, since these old bikes never came with hazard flasher capabilities.
Bringing Her Back to Life
Got em mocked up. I've added the bullet connectors on the ends. I was thinking about installing a switch to the +12v. This will enable me to change the flash pattern at the push of a button.
Bringing Her Back to Life
Got em mocked up. I've added the bullet connectors on the ends. I was thinking about installing a switch to the +12v. This will enable me to change the flash pattern at the push of a button.
Project 86 FZ600 - "Black Yamba"
The glossy decals are a good contrast to the flat black background. Makes the decals stand out. That's cool.
Project 86 FZ600 - "Black Yamba"
Now those pics look like I was expecting. They rock man!!!! The surface that they are applied to, looks 'flat' (i.e. not glossy). Did you do anything to it, or was that so the decal showed up black a little better?
My RD250LC Project
That's a cool build. Kudos for the work that you've done so far.
Project 86 FZ600 - "Black Yamba"
They look niiiice. Which ones are going where?
Project 86 FZ600 - "Black Yamba"
Pics man
suzi rm 250 1998
When the revs rise and fall without any throttle input - you have an air leak. Air leak means that you have a lean condition. Lean means that you don't have enough fuel to cool the piston. This will cause heat build up. A 2 stroke has to be leakdown tested after rebuild. You can never be guaranteed that a rebuild was successful until you know it was sealed properly.