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Everything posted by bgibbon

  1. Just started my motovlog channel, if anyone wants to check it out here is a video! (throttle assembly is now fixed)
  2. Mine is a 20w CREE LED, the 1800 Lumen one.
  3. Occasionally skips back into neutral from second which is what I thought had happened, probably did just hit neutral that time, though.. aha.
  4. It is very satisfying to blind the bastads that forget about they're high beams, I will admit, finally put up some video footage of the light in use as well!! Watch if you wish, recently started my motovlogging channel
  5. Bought my LED spotlight & switch, and wired it in, best purchase I have made for my bike so far, it's amazingly bright!!
  6. After much hassle, I decided to go with an LED spotlight on a separate switch, it's a massive massive improvement, brighter than most car headlights on the road! Thanks to Welshwan for the suggestion!!
  7. I need some of these so badly! Got any links to the switch & mount you used?
  8. When you say LED spotlight, do you mean the handle bar mounted spot lightsyou can get, or an LED bulb?
  9. Hi guys, new to this forum & fairly new to biking, I've had my XT125 on the road for about a month now & I'm finding that the headlight, even on full beam, is very poor at lighting much of the road, I was just wondering if this is common on the xt125 & if anyone can reccomend a way to brighten the light, I'm not sure if I can put a halogen bulb straight in?