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Everything posted by meatloaf

  1. Brilliant post mate, love the vid and pics, noticed that we share the same birthday but I've got a couple more years on you. Wish you hadn't made that comment under the last pic as its pissing down here and the roads in Surrey are heaving. You lucky lucky sod. Enjoy and stay safe.
  2. A couple of years ago when I reached the ripe old age of 60, my late wife who was a good few years younger than me looked at me with that innocent smile on her face that told me she was about to take the piss, with a straight look on her face she said your old enough now to use the old peoples day center. FFS, anyway I told her that I can't stand bingo or Vera Lynne or any of the crap that they seem to do but if they started selling cheap booze and playing rock music I might consider going. Just lately I have been tempted to rock up on my reasonably loud cruiser, park next to the mobility scooters give the throttle a blip and walk in just to see what the reaction would be. Is this just a plain ****ing stupid idea or should I book a one way ticket to Switzerland ?
  3. I have never heard of that before it's brilliant not sure if I would have brave enough to that with my bike but thinking back don't think there was enough room as the cars parked each side were pretty close.
  4. well that was embarrassing posted in the bar at 11.37am today. As I has said before I really should stick to using my PC when posting.
  5. How do I delete one of my topics, using my tablet this morning and ended up posting the same topic twice, I removed the content of one but cant see how to to delete the topic itself.
  6. Yesterday I thought I would take advantage of what's left of the warm sunny weather and took a ride out instead of working in my garden. I rode to box hill and instead of going straight into Rykers cafe I went to the top of the hill which is something that I haven't done in years. As soon as I parked I knew that I had made a mistake as I was on parked on a gravel slope. Sure enough when I came to leave I struggled to back out, my feet kept slipping on the gravel and it took me about ten minutes to get out by rocking the bike back an inch a time and holding it on the brake, when I finally got out I realised that two old boys had been watching my antics and found it most amusing. Lesson learnt won't do that again.
  7. meatloaf

    First fall.

    Glad your ok and glad your gear did its job.
  8. Sorry to hear that mate, sounds like you are an old softy at heart.
  9. Thats a tad harsh mate, I rode one for a few years and found it really fun.
  10. Congratulations to both of you. I love rule 3, should be enforced by every girls dad.
  11. Jimmy riding with my son was the best thing I could have done, his first couple of years riding was a nightmare, he was a complete arse on the road, every time he went out I thought I would get that dreaded phone call to tell me that he had been scraped of the road and was in A & E but now 8 years on it was great to go out with him, he has turned into a really good rider, like me he likes his speed but I see nothing wrong with that if you choose the right time and place, I know I could still get that phone call but now I don't worry about it. Like DT says we's all's gona go some day I'd rather go riding than anyother way and the same goes for my son.
  12. Never did like fords, my late wife used to drive one and she loved it but not me
  13. My old man always had a bike, when us kids came along he got one of those big old fashioned side cars so the whole family could go out together, just remember sitting in the side car wishing that I could swop places with my mum who was ridding pillion. Even after a nasty crash when my dad, mum and nan ended up in hospital after the side car broke away the bike I still wanted to ride. Sadly the last bike he owned sat in the garden not being used due to his ill health, I never got the chance to ride with him as he passed away when I was just 14 but it was in my blood and as soon as I was 16 I got my first bike a Honda CB 125. 46 years later I'm still riding and love it. Fortuantly I have ridden with my son who also has a passon for bikes, so it would seem that bikes run in my family.
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