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Everything posted by meatloaf

  1. OK I kept the first one, got me some new leathers now I just need to get out on the bike at least once a week and not be a misable got it I can't
  2. shit what a way to end the year,I hope you make a speedy recovery and can get active again soon. A safe and Happy New Year to each and everyone of you.
  3. I hope gave Mrs snake a big sloppy kiss cos she certainly deserved at least one, that's what I call a propper pressy.
  4. Glad you are OK, sadly this sort of thing happens far too often to us bikers.
  5. Greetings, good intro, never to old to start riding, remember to post progress of the xs 500 when you start and we like lots of photos, good luck stay safe and enjoy.
  6. Great intro, like slice I passed my test in 1968 and have riding bikes on and off since then, got back to serious riding when my youngest started riding and now ride just for the pleasure. Not sure how I survived in my youth as I was a bit of a nutcase on two wheels, the biggest changes for me is my attitude to riding and the amount of traffic on the road,don't get me wrong I still like speed but I am a lot more choosy of where and when I ride fast and am a lot more aware of the dangers out there. Stay safe and enjoy.
  7. Greetings, looks good, please start a thread in the projects section when you start the restore, we like lots of pictures along the way.
  8. Slice I didn't know about it but then I don't really care as I've never had one of these new fangled licences, I've still got the original licence I got way back when I passed my car driving test. It is a bit tattered and torn but I intend to keep it until it expires when I'm 70,of course that is assuming that some bastard in a cage doesn't take me out before then.
  9. meatloaf

    Project Clocker

    I have a couple of pistons and con rods that have been sitting in my garage for a few years, I have been meaning to polish them up and turn them into man art of some sort but I'm buggered if I can come up with a good idea.
  10. retard..... that includes me then. sorry about the lardy, sent from and old mate knows SFA about good reliable bikes.
  11. Might even pop down to the beach for a bacon butty, might need some thermal undies though
  12. I couldn't agree more slice, I've been riding and driving for over 40 years and all but one of the "o fuck that was close moments" has been caused by cage drivers.
  13. no, sorry don't like scooters but doesn't mean they are a bad thing
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