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Everything posted by meatloaf

  1. Andrew I think you must have had a "wasted youth"
  2. Havn't seen a good case of foot and mouth on here for a while some come on Tasky tell us your thoughts
  3. FFS slice how has she put up with you for 40 years, I hope she got the meddle that she deserves.
  4. Here is my eldest with his friends 2 year old who just loves bikes, as soon as I arrived at the camp site he couldn't wait to get on my bike, he would have stayed on it all day long if we let him. To his dads dismay when he was asked if my bike was better than dads he replied yes its much better but then his dad does ride a Pan European.
  5. I wore textile trousers for quite a few years but found them uncomfortable on long rides I have now switched to leathers and find them much better but of course I've not been out in really hot weather yet.
  6. only 38, don't rub it in you young wipersnapper
  7. Brilliant ride out today in the sunshine to the new forrest where I spent the day with my eldest and his other half but on the way home in the dark 4 or 5 deer came out of nowhere like bats out of hell and lept across the road in front of me and behind me, fuck knows how they missed me.
  8. Good job you didn't have your ribbed tights on
  9. Yep got out today, went to some of the family on the south coast, really just an excuse for a ride out. My normal route is a bit boring so I set the sat nav and then road east in the wrong direction for about 15 miles then followed the sat nav, absolutely brilliant took me along roads I didn't even know were there and found some really nice country roads with nice curves and no tragic.
  10. Sadly I can remember all of those just don't ask me anything about the current music scene as I am truly an old timer. As well as beeing best known for his hit Johny remember me John Leyton was an actor and stared in the great escape.
  11. meatloaf

    crap horn

    I'm always horny. Think I will go with twin air horns but can I do a straight swop or do I need to use a relay?
  12. I personally don't like riding in big towns let alone cities and avoid them like the plague I also can't stand motorways and only use them if I really have to so they can pull bike tolls in cities and motorways and it won't affect me but it is still so totally wrong when there are so many good reasons to welcome bikes on the roads instead of cages.
  13. Greetings, nothing wrong with a mid life crisis started mine a few years ago when I got back into bikes after few years off, although my youngest calls it my old age crisis, some might agree with him now but back then I was still in my 50's. TBH I don't give a shit "18 til I die"
  14. meatloaf

    crap horn

    Like most bikes the horn on my bike is crap and I am thinking of replacing it with one that people could actually hear, does anyone know of a good loud horn that they could recomend.
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