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Everything posted by meatloaf

  1. Bloody auto correct that should be yoof of today
  2. I don't know, the good of day
  3. Back in the late 60's a lot of my old school mates got scooters, I couldn't stand them and thought they were like spin dryers on wheels and I went down the bike route,when that film came out I still couldn't stand them and when that scooter when over the cliff I stood up in the cinema and shouted "result" or something similar. Of course these days I'm much more tolerant and if that's what floats your boat then that's fine by me.
  4. Don't be sorry that was a long time ago and we all have to learn, I can laugh about it now but at the time I was so embarrassed. you have to learn and some say that you learn from your mistakes, if that's true I must of learned a lot over the years.
  5. Good job looks really good, I must admit that I thought it was a Norton tank too but then I'm old as well.
  6. Brilliant job well done. What's next?
  7. meatloaf

    My ride

    Jimmy, the USB charger and phone bracket are just like everything else I've added, they are there for purely practical reasons, well except for the slip ons, I just didn't like the sound of the stock pipes. I don't use my bike for the daily commute any more as I am now self employed and have to use my van to cart my tools about, so all my riding is now just for pleasure, I usually just pick somewhere to go and head off often getting diverted along the way, ending in the middle of nowhere. No problem just get the phone start up the sat nav, oh bollocks being a daft old bastard Ive usually forgotten to charge my phone before I left home and two or three hours listening to music on the road has left my phone well and truly flat. No problem now, whenever I am well and truly lost after one of my rides I can get to the family piss up BBQ at my nieces new house that's somewhere in London, just might be a bit late.
  8. My first bike had the habit of dropping out of first if I didn't give a firm enough tap with my foot when engaging gear. One day in front of all my mates I did this hill start and of course she slipped back into neutral, the result was I rolled back down the hill with my engine screaming and my mates rolling on the floor laughing. To make matters worse I then got flustered and stalled on my next attempt, by now I'm sure that everyone who lived within 10 miles of said hill was watching and laughing at me.
  9. meatloaf

    My ride

    Having spent several hours cleaning my bike I thought now was a good time to post a picky or two of her. Pretty much stock apart from the Cobra slip ons, saddle bags, back rest for me as I'm an old git, USB charger, phone bracket and because I'm a short arse I've dropped end by 2.5 ".
  10. FFS slice don't do that unless you want 2 ponies & 2 monkeys 2 huskies 2 ......
  11. Been there,done that wood be nice if I could get a tree shirt.
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