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Everything posted by meatloaf

  1. An official iron butt no less :yay:
  2. Greetings, all cruiser lovers are welcome here no matter where your from.
  3. Jimmy don't get me wrong, I don't want to die on my bike, not yet anyway i'm not old enough, but when I was 14 I lost my dad an ex coal miner who had a slow and painful death, and last year my wife who was only 55 lost a two year battle with cancer, I try to remember all those many happy years we had together but I will never forget those last two years of suffering and the side effects of all the treatment she went through. Hopefully I will not see any of my children die but if I do just let it be quick I don't think I could it take if it was slow and painfull.
  4. Well said Steve, I know that a lot of folks don't like what I ride but I don't really give a toss, you pays your money and makes your choice and boy what a choice there is, thats one of the good things about bikes, there is so much choice out there, so we will never all agree to what is the better bike to ride cos we all have different opinions and different reasons for riding. As long as YOU are happy with WHAT YOU RIDE thats all that matters. Now you two how about giving a little respect to each others preferences and kiss and make up.
  5. Couldn't work today because it was pissing down so spent the afternoon in my garage, gave my bike a good clean and ACF-50 it. Hope this winter is not as wet as the last one as we had floods all over the place. If it snows I'm staying inside.
  6. meatloaf


    Thanks drewpy would have missed it, yes got to agree it was brilliant and sad too, Robert and Joey what fantastic riders.
  7. 10 months ago I went to my local Yam dealer for a battery for my 535 Virago and came out with my 1300 midnight star, I was a bit nervous to start with as its so much bigger and heavier than the 535 but didn't take too long to get used to it. I've just clocked up 2000 miles on it, none of those miles were commuting as I am a self employed gardener but were totally purely for pleasure and mostly in glorious sunny weather . Yes I have got wet a few times and discovered or should say re-discovered that a disadvantage of an open faced helmet is that when you get caught out in a hail storm, big hail stones can fucking hurt. My non biking friends just cannot understand why when I come home after a long ride I've got this massive grin on my face. I guess non bikers just don't understand do they.
  8. Sheepy if you can only remember as far back as the 70's you must be still quite young as some of us on here started riding in the 60's
  9. Back in the early 80s when I was doing a long commute daily i found that I came to hate freezing fog,used to arrive at work looking and feeling like a snowman. No matter what gloves I wore after about ten miles I just couldn't feel my hands anymore and when I got to work if I needed a piss before my hands thawed out I was in big trouble.
  10. My funniest frog memory was years back, me and a few mates went out on the piss and when walking stagering along the seven hills rd at midnight one of my mates saw a frog in the middle of the road, he laid down and tried to shoo the frog to the side of the road so it wouldn't get run over, the rest of us pissed ourselves laughing being too drunk to realize the danger of the situation. We managed to get him home in one piece where we lent him against his front door ran the bell and then hid behind a hedge, when his mum opened the door he fell into her arms shouting mum I love you. She never did forgive us for getting her son drunk for the first time.
  11. I checked out the oldies center today, can't park outside it's a 5 minute walk from the car park so my original plan is out the window. Obriens idea is great but I'm not really built for the part, if only I could grow my hair like I did back in the day and gain a few inches in height then I could maybe look the part but then my daughter in law is a paramedic and if she or one of her mates had to roll up because I'd given some old biddy a heart attack she'd string my balls up. I'm a bit worried about Andy he wants me to video it ! Noise I've never been accused of having grown up, no way and never will, 18 til I die that's me. I think I'm gonna chicken out, no twilight zone for me and I don't intend to hang around in any waiting room, I just don't want to end up like some of my mates who have safe little lives, drive safe little cars, listen to radio 4 and watch that fucking dancing program on Saturday nights.
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