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Everything posted by meatloaf

  1. Don't like city riding with or without tax
  2. don't think we should go there, I made that mistake once
  3. Think I will pass on that, bit to close for comfort
  4. We still love you even you do come from across the border :wub:
  5. Last I heard Elvis was seen at Tesco, in his white jump suit with his shaky leg. ding bat ha ha get called worse things by my 2 year old granddaughter but to be honest don't think she's learned the words to accurately describe me - well not yet anyway
  6. Haven't seen Andy about for a while, has he left the building?
  7. Well done Rafen good luck for the 2nd. Luckily for me back in the day when I took my test we didn't have to jump through all the hoops that you guys do these days, in fact most of us had no formal training of any sort, we just rode by the seat of our pants and in my case had a lot of luck staying in one piece until I gained some sort of road sense. Hopefully after going through all those hoops you guys will be safer better riders than I ever was in my early days.
  8. Must admit I haven't been since the new owners took over, anybody been there since Will & Paul moved in?
  9. Greetings, love music got three guitars but can't play for shit, my daughter plays drums but luckily no drum kit in the house as she lives 120 miles away.
  10. Only a matter of time before that twat takes some poor sod out
  11. Must admit that I made all 3 of mine buy me a couple of pints as well.
  12. I've never had the pleasure of meeting slice or any of the other guys and girls who are members of this site and I didn't criticize him because I believe big time in freedom of speech. You of course are entitled to your opinion and as a member its always welcome here but I just thought it was rude in the way that you responded but of course that's only my opinion. As for the original post, that one hit wonder guy is not interested in this site or any other bike related site, he has no interest in the biking community as a whole his only interest is lining his pocket with our hard earned cash. I hope that you and your friends enjoy the show and it would be great if you could post a little report afterwards, its always good to read an unbiased report from a punter and we like pictures lots of pictures.
  13. Missed that one, why was it axed?
  14. sounds to me that not only are you being rude but your trying to dictate what can be posted here, you ever heard of free speech buddy!
  15. meatloaf

    Your thoughts

    OJ my youngest rode an SR for several years until the call of big bikes finally made I him take his test, now there's no looking back. Don't feel a twat mate we have all been there just look at those big beauties as a goal and hopefully they will give you some encouragement to pass your test and get to ride beauty of your choice in the near future.
  16. I don't care what the date is on my birth certificate I'll never grow up, never grow old 18 till I die. Bollocks just saw my reflection in the mirror and the guy looking at me looks a fucking lot older than 18, in fact he looks remarkable like an old fart, oh shit how did that happen.
  17. only if it's the big chuncky one.
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