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Everything posted by meatloaf

  1. greetings, I'm a lover of the xvs but prefer the larger models, as for harley's imho the states is the best place for them
  2. Always thought that Ron Mael was a bit of a wierdo, he would probably feel at home on this forum.
  3. Well the snow that they have been taking about has finally arrived here in the south, I know it wasn't much but there is talk of more in the next day or so, I am glad that I managed to get out for a couple of hours yesterday, it was cold but a stop at a biker friendly cafe for ham egg and chips with a hot cup of tea soon warmed me up.
  4. Think I'll pass on that slice.
  5. I was walking around Ikea in a HD tee shirt ( cost me about 50p in turkey ) when some middle aged guy asked me what chapter I belonged to, when I replied that I didn't and I don't ride a Harley I ride a reliable bike, he went ape shit and started telling me that I had no right to wear a HD tee shirt, well I just fell about laughing, then I nearly pissed myself as he was dragged off by his teenage daughter who was muttering dad your sooo embarassing.
  6. I had a 535 for a few years and thought it was a fun bike to ride but then i'm not a macho ex tank driver like noise who if I remember rightly thinks they look shit, are shit and are only for girls but hey luckely everyone has right to their own opinion. One mans meat is another mans poison.
  7. Just a little update, I had to go to the old biddies center that my mother in law uses, rolled up on my bike parked right outside the door gave the throttle a blip and walked in, now my bike is not the loudest around but it isn't quiet but not one of the old buggers even noticed, I think I could have fired a 12 bore and still got no reaction. Rode off into the sun with a smile on my face thinking poor fuckers
  8. Just read this thread, all I can say is wow what an amazing job you did and an amazing amount of work, not really my thing but a fantastic job that you should be proud of. That's a nice looking bike, how many miles have put on her since you got her?
  9. Love this sort of thing when its done well, saw something simular in Edinburgh years ago when a large group of bagpipe players marched through the city playing a load of heavy rock and two guys just blew everyone away when they played Sabbath tunes on thier dideridoo's, made Rolf Harris look like the sick git that he is
  10. I would'nt worry about slices bladder issue, its probably the same as mine, a date of birth thingy, you will have the same issues in another 37 years ha ha, now that something to look forward to. Nice video camara seems to to work well enough.
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