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Everything posted by meatloaf

  1. Looking forward to the progress on this one, yes keep the 70's look you know it makes sense.
  2. As I said I like Henry but after watching the show I remembered that there is one phrase that he uses far to often and it really pisses me off "and coming up"
  3. meatloaf


    Yes there are some bad cyclists on the road but there are also bad cage drivers and bad motorcyclists out there to, we all have the same right to be on the road, I just treat them the same as evey other road user out there, a potential hazard.
  4. Fuck that for a game of soldiers
  5. Nice find dewps, got to watch that as it does look interesting and I also like Henry cole and whatshisface
  6. No slice of course your not old, you can't be as your younger than me (just) but I bought my current bike in Dec cos I knew that the market was slow at that time of year and dealers have to reduce prices to shift bikes, it's much harder to get a discount off of a dealer in the summer when the bikes fly off the shelves.
  7. +1 got one last year for when the the bike is not used much in winter but then I managed to get more than I thought so didn't use it much but always get plugged in when I don't use the bike for a week or two.
  8. Yep done that but I am guessing it's not gonna make any difference
  9. Now I'm getting really worried.
  10. dewps, why did you bring my mother in law into this?
  11. Loved it, its obvious that you are going to enjoy your new bike. stay safe.
  12. Once again I find that slice is making a lot a sense, FFS should I be getting worried? After a tragic event in my life I tell everyone and I mean everyone "if there is something you really want to do FFS DO IT NOW" it doesn't matter how big or small just fucking do it.
  13. Greetings, not surprised that being back on two wheels brings a smile to your face, it happens to lots of folk.
  14. Nice looking bike, after you have some miles under your belt you will get used to the new bigger bike, just take it easy for now, then later when safe to do so get that right wrist twisting and see what a big bike can do, you will love it. Enjoy and stay safe.
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