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Jason Whufc

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Everything posted by Jason Whufc

  1. Hey guys thanks for feedback, I checked oil and it was fine then came up with idea to check the spark plug and as it turns out it has a intermittent problem with the spark, it cuts out every now and then! Will post updates as and when to help others also!
  2. Hi Guys, I dont really know a great deal about bikes as i have not been riding very long. I purchased my Ybr 125 a few months back and have loved every second of riding her! A couple of days ago when on my way to work i was accelerating and just reached 50ish mph and the nike just sort of bogged down and the engine management light flashed a few times, so i immediately pulled over and waiting a couple of minutes and everything seemed ok so i continued on my journey but it occured a few more times!! I finished work that night and took her for a half hour or so ride and evrtyhing seemed fine as it did not happen again, which i was chuffed about, so i put it down to changing the oil the day before maybe!!?? i dont know if that does effect it? But then when i left for work last night it happened again! i really do not know why, has anyone else has this problem? Or any ideas as to what could be up with her?! Its a 2007 ybr 125 only covered 5000 miles! Any help is much appreciated, and thanks in advance.