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Everything posted by madrevs

  1. All adjusted will take it for a spin tomoro and see if its made a difference. Is it usual for the left cable adjuster to be set alot further out than the right one.as thats the only way I could get the hole to line up
  2. Will try that tomorrow its not out by alot but I presume its got quite fine tolerances.hopefully I will see an improvement
  3. I also checked the powervalve was in the right position today.after turning ignition on the powervalve is sitting about half a cm away from keyway could this cause same symptoms
  4. Checked the wiring out last night and the blue and red wire that goes from the clocks is connected tried pulling the fuse but made no difference
  5. Checked the wiring out last night and the blue and red wire that goes from the clocks is connected tried pulling the fuse but made no difference
  6. ok will try that.after a bit of googling seems the reed switch is a magnetic switch.found this on a site A Reed Switch consists of two ferromagnetic blades (generally composed of iron and nickel) hermetically sealed in a glass tube. The blades overlap internally in the glass capsule with a gap between them, and make contact with each other when in the presence of a suitable magnetic field. The contact area on both blades is plated or sputtered with a very hard metal, usually Rhodium or Ruthenium. These very hard metals give rise to the potential of very long life times if the contacts are not switched with heavy loads. The gas in the capsule usually consists of Nitrogen or some equivalent inert gas. Some Reed Switches, to increase their ability to switch and standoff high voltages, have an internal vacuum. The reed blades act as magnetic flux conductors when exposed to an external magnetic field from either a permanent magnet or an electromagnetic coil. Poles of opposite polarity are created and the contacts close when the magnetic force exceeds the spring force of the reed blades. As the external magnetic field is reduced so that the force between the reeds is less than the restoring force of the reed blades, the contacts open. reading that it seems the circuit needs to be closed(fuse in) for it to not retard the ignition.am i reading it right.also do u know where the red?blue wire goes as mine doesnt seem connected further down the loom.sorry for all the questions but everytime i touch automotive electrics things seem to go wrong lol
  7. Have tried with a different account if u click the link u should be able too see it now
  8. http://m.flickr.com/lightbox?id=11234570376
  9. How do u do that then
  10. http://imageshack.us/mobile/gallery.php Heres a better picture sorry its a link cant work out how to do it
  11. Sorry for the bad pic didnt have time to take the clocks off again http://imageshack.com/i/0httrej
  12. Thanks airhead its odd though cos further down the loom theres a blue/red wire not connected to anything.if someone has replaced the switch with a fuse does this mean its restricted or derestricted
  13. Ok thanks thought it was abit silly after I done it but couldnt delete afterwards
  14. Yeh definetly a diy job dont know why it would be added though the two wires that it joins arent even the same colour am a bit worried someones removed the reed switch in back of speedo and used a fuse to connect the two wires together.do u think this is the case
  15. Both wires come out of clocks and look like they go back in to clocks
  16. No nothing like that read something on google about a switch in black of clocks that limits speed could it be anything to do with that
  17. Its for a dtr 3003
  18. Dtr125 2003 its definitely a red blade fuse with two blue crimp on connectors theres a red and blue wire going to it and a white wire
  19. While pulling apart my clocks I have noticed theres a red blade fuse with two crimp on blade connectors one wire going to it is white the other is red and blue also when I first got the bike all the wires where on show behind the front fairing so I covered them with electrical tape and there was a red and blue wire that wasnt connected to anything and couldnt find anywhere for it to plug in so just taped it up . any advice on whats been done would be appreciated. Thanks
  20. Also while taking apart the clocks I have noticed there are two wires coming out of the back of the speedo with a fuse in between is this meant to be like that
  21. Always check the level once a week anyways and never get it below half way.at least I know what its for now
  22. Have noticed that the steering lock has been removed from my 2003 dtr the recess it fits into is still there but the lock is missing so u can see into the steering stem.are these available to buy separatley and are they easy to fit or does anyone know what I could use too plug hole up with.wont ever use it as have alarmed disc lock front and rear and two big chains.
  23. The bulbs are all seated but theres a fiddly little bit of rubber that goes around the edge which I can never get to seat properly.will take it off tonight and try and dry it out bit should the heat from the bulbs not get rid of the condensation though
  24. Hiball My rev gauge seems to be fogging up since I changed a few of the bulbs does anyone know what the cause of this is Thanks