Stupid car drivers
Think next on my list to buy is a tank so I can crush the little bastards! (Impatient car drivers that is)
Stupid car drivers
Id rather just live and forget about it, hopefully it won't happen again, to many people think they can pull out and make it but in reality they can't, I'm glad I'm okay and the main thing, just gonna have to take a little more care and watch out for impatient drivers, thanks for all the support
Stupid car drivers
Driving home on Tuesday my last day at work until January, and it was daylight, my lights on, wearing my big hivis work jacket on top of my leathers, so I was visible, coming round the round about, this guy pulls in front of me, I had to slam on my breaks, bike goes sliding from under me as it was icy, and the guy starts speeding off before I got a chance to even see his reg plate, and not one person pulled over to see if I was okay, luckily the only problem was a snapped break lever, broken mirror and a blown fuse and shattered reg plate, and I walked away with bruising down my hip, legs and shoulder and ribs but it could've been worse, if I had caused someone to come off their bike I would've pulled over make sure they're okay!! Car drivers grrrrrr!!
Top box
I recently bought a small top box for my little sr .. It's not to carry any great loads it's just to carry paper work to college or carry a spare change of clothes for work .. It's ideal for what I want however I'm a little stuck on attaching it to my bike, my bike doesn't really have any trims to attach it on so I'm gonna have to modify the attachment point ... I'm gonna add some photos and any tips or ideas would be great Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Full bike test
Ah cheers! Thank you, i done some research online just nowhere really had any useful info
Full bike test
Haven't post much lately but been viewing the forum time to time but been major busy with work. I've got the MOT of my bike coming up and getting the bike ready but once it's passed I'm thinking of getting my full bike licence I've been riding on my cbt provisional for about 8 months now, and I'd like to get rid of the L plates, cheaper insurance etc and once I'm 19 I will be able to shift onto a bigger bike.... I understand I need a theory test, part one and part two. Will my age restrict me of doing mod 1 and mod 2? Or can I do them now? And do you suggest getting lessons or an intensive course? Cheers Laura
Clunking gears and cutting out
I'm alright had gravel rash right across my knee and down my shin, it's probably scarred me for life but the same day I was back and riding again, just can't keep me away and I'm gonna have a look on Thursday when it's my day off, cheers Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Clunking gears and cutting out
I crashed down on the left side and I'm not sure what gear but I'll check the oil and adjust the clutch Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Clunking gears and cutting out
Haven't posted on here for a while due to college and exams etc however a few months ago I was involved in a bit of a crash and now the bike clunks into first gear (once it's warm it doesn't clunk) however at junctions I constantly have to rev it or it will kinda chug then cut out, also when stationary or moving slowly to a halt it's hard to get it into first/ neutral/ second gear, I know there's already been a post similar to this however I think it might be due to the crash, im not entirely sure, any ideas? And it's a little sr125 Cheers Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Wiring problems
Went in the fuse box and it was all extremely lose done a multimeter test and there's power going to the fuse but there's no power coming from the fuse tightened it all up and there's power going to and from and the bike seems fine, gonna go for a long drive today and hopefully that's that sorted thank you for the suggestions it means a lot guys!! Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Wiring problems
Basically sometimes it comes on and works fine then it dies like nothing works at all, I've got a guy who knows a bit about bikes coming to have a little look at it tomorrow, thanks for the suggestions and hopefully it'll be someththing that's been suggested Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Wiring problems
This bike has got me fed up I've sorted all the little faults like lights but this last few weeks the bike has broke down and everytime I think it's fine it's not, basically it loses all power you wiggle the wires on the battery and it starts, I've changed the plus and minus wires to the battery, I've bought a new battery, I've checked the connections replaced anything corroded and time and time again it runs fine and then it decides to die, it was fine until the slight accident the bike had but now I just don't know spoke to some people and they don't know either so any ideas Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Wiring problems
adjusted the little thingy (like a spring this that attaches to the break pedal) and now the light works however when the lights are on the back light still doesnt work, ive checked all the connections soo im a little unsure
Wiring problems
Thanks for the suggestions I'll have a look and get a new bulb and hope it's something simple Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Wiring problems
Despite being a trainee electrician this has got me in a pickle soo everything was fine and then I went on a nice long ride this after noon and now when I press/ pull the break it lights up as it should then it's delayed turning the light off, also when I have my lights on the back light just doesn't light up at all, it only started today, the other day i gave bike connections a check over and everything was solid soo what's your opinions on what it could be? Loose wires or something else?:/ Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk