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  1. 0323 replied to 0323's post in a topic in Yamaha Workshop
    anyone used a 1999 loom on older models
  2. 0323 replied to 0323's post in a topic in Yamaha Workshop
    so is this how the cable and the oil pump have to be
  3. 0323 replied to 0323's post in a topic in Yamaha Workshop
    i looked at the cover , so the oil pipe goes through the plastic oil pump cover and the cable goes through this hole
  4. 0323 replied to 0323's post in a topic in Yamaha Workshop
    i still can get the pipe in that gap, has any 1 done this before
  5. 0323 replied to 0323's post in a topic in Yamaha Workshop
    so the pipe has to fit in the clutch case hole
  6. 0323 replied to 0323's post in a topic in Yamaha Workshop
  7. 0323 replied to 0323's post in a topic in Yamaha Workshop
  8. 0323 replied to 0323's post in a topic in Yamaha Workshop
    i dont really get wot u mean by "pipe back through the plastic grommet" i have a pic of my pump but i dont know how to upload a pic tot his forum
  9. 0323 posted a post in a topic in Yamaha Workshop
    im repairing the oil pump but i got a few problems, 1st problem is the oil pipe that goes from the oil tank to the pump , i cant fit the black pipe into the clutch cover does anyone know a way of fitting this pipe apart from cutting the ends of the pipe. 2nd i`m not sure which side the oil tank goes on the side of the clutch or the side of the generator (i think its the clutch side) 3rd the cable that goes on the oil pump , does this cable connect to the throttle cable my bikes mashed up its a 92 frame and parts from a 98 and 96 dtr
  10. 0323 replied to 0323's post in a topic in Yamaha Workshop
    i brought this loom because they disconitued the 1998 - 1992 wiring looms i did find out that the cdi was changed in 1999 the cdi connects to the servo motor and has different connections wanted to know if anyone used a 1999 loom on older models
  11. 0323 posted a post in a topic in Yamaha Workshop
    I Bought a new 1999 wirging loom but i dont know if it will fit the 1998 cdi and the generator does any one know if the 1999 loom can work with 1998 parts
  12. i got a yamaha dt125r and i just found out that it was a 1992 not a 1998 i had to buy a wiring loom but could only get the 1999 wiring loom but now i have to connect this loom to the generator and cdi i need some help to find out what year cdi i need and did the 1992 dt125r have a servo motor (i thought that the 1992 dt125r did not come with a servo motor) i have an old 1992 cdi i have not tryed to connect this to the 1999 wiring loom. does anyone know if this would work and how does the servo motor connect to a 1999 wiring loom coz a 1997 onwards servo motor connects to the cdi .
  13. i got a yamaha dt125r and i just found out that it was a 1992 not a 1998 i had to buy a wiring loom but could only get the 1999 wiring loom but now i have to connect this loom to the generator and cdi i need some help to find out what year cdi i need and did the 1992 dt125r have a servo motor (i thought that the 1992 dt125r did not come with a servo motor) i have an old 1992 cdi i have not tryed to connect this to the 1999 wiring loom. does anyone know if this would work and how does the servo motor connect to a 1999 wiring loom coz a 1997 onwards servo motor connects to the cdi .
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