Everything posted by Mattblfc8
Road legal yz 125
I've been looking at a road legal yz 125 just wondering what thoughts people have on this as I no the upkeep would be abit of a pain I currently have a dt 125 but would love the yz for the acceleration and sound
Will a 1998 cdi work for 2002 dt 125
Hi I'm in need of a cdi for my bike and I've found one that looks the same but not sure if they are compatible any help be appreciated
Can anyone help
I'm in desperate need of a............. Edit DDT. Once again. If you want something, put a post in the wanted section. This is the second time I have had to edit your wanted posts.
- Dt 125
What year cdi is the same for 2002 dt 125
Any ideas where else I could get hold of one
What year cdi is the same for 2002 dt 125
That's great mate thanks a lot
What year cdi is the same for 2002 dt 125
Does anyone know what years a cdi will be the same as my 2002 as need to try and find one thanks
Dt125r bogging at 6k revs help please?
Have you checked the reed valve had similar problem with mine as they do get worn out
Br8es or br9es plug for dt 125
Ok thanks a lot I'll try a br9 iridium then
Br8es or br9es plug for dt 125
What plug is best as I've heard different things about both
Nuts and bolt set for dt 125
Ok mate thanks a lot
Dt125 throttle cable trouble
I snapped my throttle cable the other day and I have got a new one I've got it all in place but it's not working right it Dosent spring back at all to get it back you need to twist the throttle up and I can't get the oil pump to align right as the cable seems to long when I twist the throttle the oil pump barely moves and I must have the needle in the carb wrong somehow as now petrol pours out the overflow pipe as soon as fuel is switched on is there a certain way to set up the cable as maybe put the carb slide together first or the throttle tube first or does it not matter any help much appreciated
Nuts and bolt set for dt 125
Whole bike really but mainly the plastics and exhaust bolts are the worse
Nuts and bolt set for dt 125
Anyone know where I could get a bolt set for my dt 125 as the person who had it before has played around and has obviously lost bolts and has just replaced with whatever would fit so would like to try get them all back to being the same
Cdi coil
I think it might be the float sticking how do I adjust the float or check if it is the float causing the problem
Cdi coil
Would a bad cdi coil stop my dt 125 revving properly as it gets to about 6-7k and seems to bog and no more power
Powervalve barely moves when ignition swictched on
I haven't had the bike long about 3 weeks and I haven't oiled them so god knows when if ever they were done how far should it spin when the ignition is on
Powervalve barely moves when ignition swictched on
When I turn the ignition the powervalve only moves a little bit and it sounds quite and laboured is this right or does it need setting up my friends 04 dt sounds like it moves a lot more when it starts up compared to my 2002
Could this be a fuel tap problem
I've been having trouble to get my dt 125 To idle and rev properly but now I seem to have got it to idle better and adjusted the pv as the hole didn't line up and it seemed to pull and rev a lot better but after give it a quick ride to end of road and back to see if it was running ok which it was I started to ride home and about half a mile down the road it started bogging and losing power and when I kicked it over again it started and then just died could this be a problem with the fuel tap like dirt In the filter or something and if the rubber that joins the exhaust to the end can is knackerd and split could this cause and air leak or compression issues any help be much appreciated
Took carb off for clean and nowbike won't run
Well I took of the pipes and removed the carb from the airbox and the inlet took the bowl of gave that a blow out and gave the carb a blow out aswell and taking the main jet out and giving that a blow through and just put back together maybe I haven't got it sat right or a pipes not on quite right I'm not sure just wish I never took it off now
Took carb off for clean and nowbike won't run
Big hole sounds tempting and I opened the left casing and was told to idle the bike and spray wd40 to see if the engine note sounded different but I couldn't really notice much different but I dunno about the other side and it does sounds like it's struggling for fuel
Took carb off for clean and nowbike won't run
I took the carb of for a clean to make sure nothing was blocked or dirty as the bike wouldn't rev or idle properly now I've put it back together and it wouldn't rev past about 5k and when throttle was held open it would just bog and die and now the bike won't start I checked the plug and it was black I gave it a bit of a clean and tried again but nothing any ideas what might have happend
Dt 125 bogs before revs
Na the gear box oil hasnt dropped but now I can hold the throttle right open at it barely revs over 5k before dieing
Dt 125 bogs before revs
Ok that's great thanks a lot I'll open it up tomorrow hope it's the left seal if any sounds a lot easier than the right but it does seem to be using abit more oil
Dt 125 bogs before revs
Ok thanks is there a way to test to see if it's a dodgy seal before taking anything apart