Hi Peeps,
Been laying low for a bit because ....... yup the old man passed away end of August. Bummer big time and we'll have to learn to live with that but it's gonna take a while.
85 y/o and he's done it all and more (his words) and he has had a good innings.
Sooooo, what's this got to do with Yammy's : bucket list thing. Always wanted to get onto the FJ one day and drive to Holland and back. Hearing that dad was going down hill was a good enough incentive with holiday traffic (still) clogging up the Channel Tunnel. (and her indoors relented)
This was not a pleasure cruise. With drive to Holland I mean DRIVE to Holland. 4.5 hours from Truro to Folkestone only stopping for fuel and a stretch to soothe my hurting ass then an hour and a half up the road from Calais. Out on a Friday morning (arriving mid afternoon), stay the night, and back again on Saturday morning, equally ending up in Truro in the afternoon again. 913 miles round trip.
Only thing I can say is that Mr. Yamaha has made some quality machines :-)
No letters have dropped on the mat from HM constabulary so I think I'm in the clear !!