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Everything posted by DutchFJ1200

  1. Gents, Long time no speak - had a bit on at work - trust you all well, For the first 2 miles or so the bike feels like its running on 3 legs - spluttery and misfires out of the off side tailpipe. I got the feeling righthand cylinders or carbs. After a bit it pulls through and is sweet as and pulls and runs like a train. This might sound stupid but it seems to do it more often when it has been on the side stand for a day or 3 - does the fuel run to one side of the carbs or something? Does not seem to do it when parked on the centre stand. Never done it before and serviced in November just before winter and being laid up. The chap said it would run better after the service - well it don't !! Cheers.
  2. Nope Slice, you're not old...... or maybe you are ..... I dunno :-) Same thing happens in 4x4 world. Winters' coming and prices go up. Hell, they even rise when they forecast a severe winter. The prices go up after the program on telly has finished. Same applies about the bag of bolts though. Fark there are some sheds on 't bay when that happens.
  3. If that's the same block as an XT-250, which I believe it it is, I may have a Yamaha workshop manual floating around. I'll have a look.
  4. Not only am I a master of suspense but...... fail to bring anything constructive to the table.
  5. Here here !!!!! What gives 1 lycra clad knob the right to peddle on a narrow two lane main road during rush hour with 3/4 of a mile of cars behind him and not have the courtesy/inclination/willingness/intelligence to pull over for a bit and let the cars through. No wonder car drivers go ballistic and create all kinds of dangerous situations. Why am I being hijacked to do the majority of my 14 mile commute @ 15mph every single bloody morning & afternoon...... even on a 'kin 1200CC bike !!! Oh yeah ..... be healthy, go green, carbon neutral and save the planet. Anybody told you that Cornwall is not geared up for that BS !!
  6. The policeman in question had serious injuries but not life threatening. During the investigation it was concluded that both had endangered traffic. The copper can't just sit stationary in the middle of a motorway and get away with it. The dude in the yellow car claimed that due to the truck he saw him too late and could not avoid him. (he didn't say that he was rubber necking because the accident & ambulance happened/came from the other side of the motorway where a van had seriously crashed into a tree) The public prosecutor ruled that in the end both were at fault but that given the circumstances there was no case to answer. There you have it.
  7. First in line for the Darwin award. Let it go, if the f*cker wants to kill himself there's very little you can do about it. Let's hope he doesn't take anybody else with him.
  8. In your case maybe not a bad idea ......... i t c a n ' t f a l l o v e r ......
  9. Fitted some Oxford ones to the FJ last year. Straight to battery 'plug 'n play' but the control box comes with a self shut down feature when engine not running/charging. Your Dr. Bike one's don't have that ?
  10. My CJ-7 Jeep never made it out of the garage last year - enjoyed the newishness of the FJ a bit too much - Once the sun comes out it will !!!
  11. Yup, to all the retards here Happy X-mas and happy wheeling in 2015....... pfffff Triumpfff & a Lardy davison .....
  12. Greatest 3 1/2 minutes on tinternet for a while https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3hvrCNkL9RM
  13. Correction Yes, I mean some may do but I aint got a scott oiler ...... ehm.... I do .... I drag my chain thru old engine oil every 2 weeks .... Ahhhh .... shucks ...... how did I get here ........ you with me, capiche ??
  14. Yup but not in a scottoiler. Every 2 weeks a generous helping in a cut in half milk 2 pinter and drag the rear sprocket through it. Off course oil soaking nappies on the floor to catch the surplus.
  15. Care to tell me where I can pick up my residence permit ? Thanks.
  16. Hehe..... ya can't make that shit up, can ya
  17. Kinder egg then ? Got toys in'em
  18. Was looking for a general thread so not to have to start a new thread every single time. Found one Found this on my Jeep forum. Dunno how it got there but I like it.
  19. Vmax (not sure how long id keep it tho as its not my style, i just want one ) .... do it....do it ......do it !!!!!!!!! ............... ya know ya want to
  20. Ok Roger that....................... are you implying that not only do I drive an archaic tank ...... but that I'm a phat bastard as well ?
  21. There we go again with the FJ bashing Foamy...... couldn't pick it up by myself when I dropped it! .... says more about yourself than the 'mighty FJ'
  22. Good intel DT! Both pistons were a biatch to compress And the chap in the shop asked me if I used my rear break much because my rear pads had completely gone in 1 year/5000 miles. He said they should last longer. Caliper rebuild +fluid change then this winter!
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