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Everything posted by DutchFJ1200

  1. Education time :-) please define grey import - thanks.
  2. The people they let into this place .................... Pffffffffffffff
  3. Regardless where the bike is from it should still come with the relevant registration certificates, Be that IOM, NI or even continental. I bought the FJ unseen from ebay in Brussels. Came with Belgian reg certs --> MOT then apply for Brit reg. + V5. All above board and happy days ever since.
  4. Bagged meself some new leather from fleabay
  5. Only on Monday's
  6. Touche !! Btw, remember I bought that 'mint' seat for 30 squid off 't Bay ..... it has been recovered and a pad added. I sit about 3/4 inch higher now. Not bad because the bike has a standard low seating position anyway and had to bend my legs in a pretzel to ride. Fook me that feels weird
  7. DutchFJ1200

    Sold the FJ.

    ...................... only just
  8. Ok... ok ... for the vertically challenged amongst us, especially ex FJ owners Roll up, roll up ...... vintage Damen Leathers with go fast striping
  9. Tomorrow morning off to Brix again on ze FJ .... whoop,whoop !!! (had to take the tank last week because of weather) Btw have been pouring myself in my Damen leather salopettes that I bought 25 years ago ........ I wasn't aware leather shrunk, buy I can assure you it does Anybody that has a decent pair of leather trousers size 35'ish in whatever funky colours and wants to get rid for some jaffa cakes, pls let me know. Likewise one pair of blue salopettes with red and white stripe down the leg, one careful owner, up for grabs. Will suit somebody up to 6ft tall.
  10. DutchFJ1200

    Sold the FJ.

    A sad day indeed ........... but you have that other big beasty to play with
  11. Noice to see yo have the proper tools at hand as well. A mofo big hammer and adjustable pliers.
  12. Police said the damage done to the car will cost thousands to repair Yeah, right ........... that'll just buff out ..........not
  13. Update !! Hehehe ..... the bl**dy thing went sky high. Might as well have bought new from Corbin themselves....Pffffff Next cunning plan : just picked up a pristine original from 't Bay for ........... wait for it ................ 26 quid. Mine has two little nicks front and back. Will send that off to Dave at Digger Seats and he says he can make me one
  14. Should have driven into Cornwall yesterday evening ...... silly season has indeed started :-(
  15. I reaaaaaly like it ........ will it fit ? Price ok ? I may have a way to get it across the pond. http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/271874032195?_trksid=p2055119.m1438.l2649&ssPageName=STRK%3AMEBIDX%3AIT
  16. Anstruther, Fife --> Southampton ? I'd buy a bigger bike :-)
  17. Hmmm...... XJ750 with the YICS whine when accelerating. Drop dead gorgeous bike. Hunting for pics on the site now.
  18. You miss my point. I'm not planning to drive 140Mph 24/7 anywhere, and am well aware of 'my' limits. Colleague of mine was boasting that he was 'cruising' at 120 Mph sustained. Given the amount of buffeting I find that hard to believe on any bike. Btw 118 x 1.4 = 165 Mph = 265 Kph. What 600 cc'er was that if I may ask? I'm still 'learning' about an FJ after 25 years on an, as good as naked, XJ-650 and there's still a lot of things I don't know.
  19. Gents, Ok so now I have this machine that can do (supposedly) 140 MPH and on a weekly basis I'm now working a few days a week in Brixham so have 80 miles to cover to get there. A30 to Bodmin and A38 through Plymouth and beyond. I like going fast like the next man and certainly the A30 from Bodmin to Truro is pretty much deserted after 7PM on a Thursday. Once again last week cruising at 160 Kph (100 Mph) sustained is good going and pretty pleasant on the FJ. So on a straight and quiet stretch ...... ok lets see what this thing can do ...... but at 190 (195) Kph/118 Mph the influence of the wind just gets too much and uncomfortable and starts bobbing your head and body around and just renders the experience not worth doing. Apart from crawling under my fuel filler cap how do you guys deal with that?
  20. Update gents, Had my carbs done last monday. Yup float valves shot. The chap showed me 4 little gubbins that had seen better days. Apparently a po or his grease monkey had tried to f*ck around with them before as well. Now all good, pre-set,pressurized, balanced and calibrated or whatever :-) and shot off to our Brixham office on Tuesday morning. Happy days Thanks for the advice!
  21. Well done pal ! Nice machine.
  22. And we have a winner !!!!
  23. You put the farking fear of god in me mate When I saw that post I parked the bike in the garage and haven't touched it since ...........doh !!!!
  24. Away for work at the mo back this weekend so will check then.
  25. Slice seen your above posts thanks for that. So, if the fuel does not end up in your oilpan why does your clutch crap out ? Or do you mean the known FJ hydraulic rubber thingemyjig down below that craps out and the clutch goes soft. A repairkit can soon sort that out no?
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