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DutchFJ1200 last won the day on August 1 2024

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  • Current Bike(s)
    Previous : FS1 - 1981 SR250SE - 1983 XT250 - 1984 XJ650 bought from new and owned for 29 years - FJ-1200 3CV 1989. Current 2007 Jeep WK 3.0 CRD - Chrysler Crossfire Roadster 3.2 V6 - FJ-1200 3XW 1993

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    Truro - Kernow

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  1. Merry Xmas all, Sorry for the late update. I was locked out of my account and getting back in is like trying to get into Fort Knox. The saga continues. Anyhoo, the el cheapo coils did not fit my bike so fortunately I could send those back. Enter 2 OEM coils @ 150 quid a pop + installation. Did it change anything ? ..... Nope. Commuting home and sitting in traffic, filtering at slow speed and stopping for a red light from time to time and after a while it starts hunting, then spluttering so I have to keep the revs up so it doesn't die. What I did discover with an infra red thermometer is that - if cylinders are numbered from left to right - when it was running but misfiring : 1 was at 220 degrees, 2 was at 150 degrees, 3&4 were at 290/300 at idle. So cylinder 2 is not behaving. WHY ?? Next move was to put new plugs in 1 & 2 because they might have been affected by the old misfiring/overheating coils. The coils fire 1 & 3 and 2 & 4 so I have been told. The coils can be ruled out because number 4 is okay so the thinking is mechanical. Valve clearances, carburation or whatever else can go on down there. I did tell the mechanic chappy that experimenting at my expense is no longer an option, but he agreed that if he could have to bike for a bit he would try to get to the bottom of this issue foc. He is baffled by the whole thing as well. I'm still riding the bike to work but I now have misfiring anxiety on the way home lol If the traffic lights align and traffic is light and I can make it home in one hit without stopping I'm fine. **if we get to the bottom of this it may not have been my coils at all ....... now that will be an interesting conversation with the guy**
  2. You Sir get the Platinum medal today lol Shoot.... thanks for the link. I normally get my gear from Wemoto ...... they are double that price https://www.wemoto.com/bike/yamaha/fj/1200/1992/28776/ignition-coil
  3. Hehehe, yeah I know about the one hit wonders. I can assure you I'm not but so far I've done 17K problem free miles on this tank with nothing to report. Thanks anyway
  4. Morning chaps, Been happening for a while now but more so when it gets hotter outside. Starts good when cold, drives and pulls like a train. My drive home takes 30 mins through some heavy traffic and filtering. When stopped at a traffic light or when I get home to open the gate the bike starts spluttering, misfiring and dies. At a a traffic light I have to keep the revs at or above 2000 rpm. Have looked at various forums but nothing conclusive ranging from carb settings, vacuum leaks etc. My bike shop guy has turned up the idle a bit and he thinks it may be the coils getting hot after a bit and might need to be replaced. Any ideas ?
  5. Morning, thanks for your replies Happy to report that shortly after I flagged this up the bike magically 'healed' itself. One morning went out to start and it sounded and felt like the starter was missing a cog with a loud 'clack'!!! After that it was gone. As it turns out I was most probably the self tensioner of the starter chain being stuck in between two settings creating some looseness there for a bit.
  6. Evening Chaps, Sorry I haven't been on the forum much. Still happily commuting on the 93 FJ-1200. Only used the car 4 times all winter. It has been a bit soggy at times and nippy but the heated grips are wonderful. Last few weeks I get a grinding sensation through my foot pegs only on the overrun and slow filtering through traffic. When I pull the clutch in it goes. The bike accelerates good, pulls like a train and goes through the gears well. It feels like a few cogs or chain do not quite agree with each other on the left hand side in the gear box. I changed lube oil last weekend and checked old oil but no bits (which is a bit of a relief) Any Ideas ?
  7. Evening Gents, Likewise back on the site after some time away. So many things to do, so little time. HNY. The plague is still raging so nothing new there. Hope you all keeping well. Still commuting on the magnificent 3XW, weather has been very mild up till X-mas so got a lot or riding days in. I've only got 23K on the clock now so alls good. Had some shit weather last 2 weeks but tomorrow looks good so look forward to jumping on the bike again. OldFJ your 3CV looks very good and nice pics (the 3CV in the same colour was my first FJ Loved that bike) Stay safe.
  8. For the last 2 or 3 months have been commuting the 28 miles to work and back on the FJ here in Kernow. Mornings are not too bad but late afternoon rush hour between Falmouth & Truro and through Truro is a killer. Cagers all over the place and Truro is at a standstill on double lanes. High beam and blinkers on and gently force your way through the middle. Generally people are alert, helpful and make space. Some however should be shot on sight.
  9. Merry Crimbo - Have a good one lads & girls. Let's hope we can knock this shit on the head in 2021. Cheers!!
  10. I had one for best part of 30 years. Throw up some pics and we'll go from there.
  11. Mid eighties when I was about to shell out for my then new XJ-650 my neighbour had one, all singing, all dancing with the high viz orange Marlboro branded fairing. It was looking the muts' dangelies and I was infatuated with the thing. Fortunately common sense prevailed and probably the reason I'm still alive today Well done!
  12. Working from home so that keeps me plenty busy. I am operations/procurement superintendent for a marine towage & salvage company. Since shipping is classed as an essential industry I can have some movement to tend to our boats and I have to be in the office once a week to sort through courier deliveries in and send them on their way to where the boats are or will be. So once a week I can at least look forward to a trip to Brixham and back same day, 165 mile round trip. So I look at the forecast and pick the best day for on the bike. The situation is pretty weird to say the least and I'm afraid it will only get worse before it gets better. Stay safe & healthy peeps.
  13. Hehe, first 85 mile commute of the year this morning. A tad chilly but good to be out on 2 wheels .... going like the clappers
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