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Everything posted by shaun_1990

  1. shaun_1990 replied to nayruf's post in a topic in The Bar
    Not a massive fan as I think anyone selling a car will struggle as people,like to buy a car ready to drive not buy it to tax it then drive away a day or so later. Not sold to be honest
  2. shaun_1990 replied to sniff6's post in a topic in Video Section
    That would be amazing if there was that much snow here haha, no bikes on the road in summer as everyone is trying to het them summer ready haha
  3. shaun_1990 replied to Tommy xs's post in a topic in General
    Not good! Hope you get it sorted soon there are rides to be had! May be better of in the van, won't get cold or caught up in the snow! Have a good time pal
  4. I know Chester only about 40 mins from me, but yeah I'm up for that, can maybe try and sort a ride out somewhere, get some grub & see how many members we can get out
  5. So just got some advice of the dvla they have said as you did a v62 & a v890 to declare a sorn from when I take ownership of the bike, with regards to any fines they cannot do anything to me as in my ownership I would not have fines's however the previous owner (other half's dad) he may get notice of something however he does not live at the address where it is registered.
  6. I have told him that writing to the dvla would be the best choice ad he has said doesn't want to just incase anything comes back.. Takes me back to the drawing board now as I don't want to push anything, going to send an e-mail or see if I can get any answers over the phone.
  7. Thanks for all the responses guys, Honestly I was only thinking of changing for aesthetics as I am not the biggest lover of how these forks look. I knew it wouldn't be the easiest thing in the world to do, I am going to do some more digging and see if it is worth it which at the moment it is not high on priority because I want to get out on the bike over summer. Shaun
  8. I have seen a guy on fz6 forum who has fitted r6 forks, maybe just a bad idea haha
  9. Hey everyone, I have a strange question, as Much as I love my xj6n there is one thing that I am not keen on & that is the front forks, is it possible to fit the forks of an fz8. I know this is a question likely to be a one off, but I don't know where to start with regards to looking for measurements or if mounting points would be the same thanks for any help or any comments. Shaun
  10. sounds good to me, I'm headed down to London this weekend & then the better half wants to do an ikea run the week after but if the weather is good after that then game on, Will drop you a message once time is nearer. Cheers Drew! think this will be next on the hitlist, Heard a couple of my friends dad's that said have been there.
  11. Glad to hear that your okay, Personally I would take the hit out of my own pocket just get the important bits replaced first like bars & indicators as someone has previously said, fix/replace the plastics when have some spare cash. Would also get a new lid, if visor touched, good chance that the lid did to, would rather spend the money than risk my life with a dodgy lid (again personal choice) Best thing to do is get back out on it & confidence will come back Shaun
  12. Hello, I cannot help much with any information on the bike but good to hear someone is back to biking get out and clock some miles up. Shaun
  13. shaun_1990 replied to jjsaints's post in a topic in The Bar
    Hey JJ, Although I have a xj6n I felt the same, but after a tidy up I'm in love with her, have fitted a tail tidy, rear huger, rim tape & as of last week just spruced up a couple of bits which had a rusty tinge (painted the exhaust & the metal under rear footpegs) seems to be that the little things makes the world of difference. Hope in some way this helps Shaun
  14. Sorry it has took me ages to reply beef, I will be getting new bars and may take you up on your offer if that is okay however it will be a little while as cash is abit scarce at the moment after getting a new car, will work it around anytime your free though Shaun
  15. Thanks for the reply foamy, There is also an issue with what you have just said, The bike is registered to his old address not his current one, the bike has also not been taxed or sorn for the last 5--8 years, don't want to land him with a fine for that or for not declaring the bike registered somewhere else. Shaun
  16. drewpy I wouldn't have a clue where rivvington barn is haha, best get my google head on!
  17. I got out on mine on Sunday, first proper ride on my xj6n instead of just back and forth, really enjoyed it however non of my close friends having bikes was abit of a lost soul almost haha, would be nice to know where bikers in the Cheshire area actually go if anyone is local?
  18. Hey everybody, I have been gifted an xj900f to go along side my xj6n by my other half's dad however there is a slight snag! Now here is the awkward part for me, he has not ridden the bike for the best part of 9 years which does not phase me but he has no recollection of where the v5 is & if he ever declared it worn due to a health issue, the bike is in good condition and to me it would be nice to get it back to full health & I can learn a trick or two along the way. Does anybody know how I can get a log book without landing him in it for it not being sorn or without a massive cost? Thanks for any advice as I don't know where to start. Shaun
  19. shaun_1990 replied to sniff6's post in a topic in Video Section
    What is the actual need in this!! Clearly got nothing better to do with his life!
  20. Wait... What message.. I just saw dancing.... Haha
  21. Thank you yeah by far the best addition to the bike
  22. Hello, I'm newish to, it's a good place for advice, good luck getting your bike going again Shaun
  23. shaun_1990 replied to feliks's post in a topic in The Bar
    Voted gold, looks stunning in gold
  24. With the rizoma bars would not need new risers would I Beef?
  25. Well all a little update, I have now decided on some rizoma anodised red bars & on an also high note, they are also 7/8 bars so should also fit straight on, I'm now in the process of contemplating getting the rizoma grips to go withy the new bars...oh the choices... Shaun