De Restricting my DT125R
bikes now running mint just fitted a dep end can and new plug nice brown colour, where is the reed swich ? what dose it look like ? also is there actually something in the inlet manifold as i dont know entirly what i am doing dont wanna brake anything i havent toched the pv as seems to be working fine takes so long to build the revs up to hit the power band low revs are quiet sluggish would really appreceat the help
De Restricting my DT125R
alright thanks ive have a look tomorrow and let you know how i get on
De Restricting my DT125R
not a clue what he done to test it im going to buy a tester just to make sure, ive been looking and have found some setups for the pv are the 2002 one's the same as all the other r models ?
De Restricting my DT125R
when i had an oil change i asked the bloke to do a compression test he said it was fine dose the power valve have to line up with the hole behind the plastic thing or is it a diffirent possition ?
De Restricting my DT125R
im confused ?
De Restricting my DT125R
since august milieage is 12022 the performance was getting better the longer i rid it but that was after the powervalve was adjusted
De Restricting my DT125R
hello everyone i bought a 2002 dt in august at first it wouldnt hit the power bands but my friend had a play with the servo and eventually it hit the bands but max speed was only 60 65 mph it hits about 70 after i took the snorkle of the airbox and covered up a hole that was drilled by the previous owner and went alright all the way up until 4th then dosent hit the bands that quick i dont want my bike to do sily speeds just want it to get to 70 quicker any ideas what i can do ?
What year Yamaha DTR 125?
how can i get more power from my 02 dt ?
dt 125 r de restriction
alright guys anyone know how to de restrict my 02 dt ? looses all grunt in 4th and wont stay in the powerband range ive been told i have to get the survo to turn 180 degrees and apparently theres a robber block in the inlet from the carb that needs taking out do iactually need to do this and will it improve performance much i want acceleration more than top end as i go offroad quite allot
De Restricting my DT125R
airhead you seem to know about dts, soon as i get into 5th gear my bike has no grunt at all, it takes so long to hit the power band again dose the exhaust port have to be slightly open when the ignition is off or fully open? ive been seaching for weeks how to de restrict it its driving me mad
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