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Everything posted by Error

  1. Error posted a post in a topic in The Bar
    ok on my r6 my clocks said i was doing 175 . how accurate is that ?? ive seen one on utube doing 290khm that 180 mph
  2. Error replied to stevep's post in a topic in The Bar
    i got a r6 and my dealer told me 4k for the 1st 600 mile but that was like 45mph ?? so im riding down the road on a spanky new sports bike and horses are overtaking me i mean WTF?>? so i rang around local yamaha dealers and several said its ok to go up to 10 k for the 1st 600 then slowly put more power on till 1000k than all go
  3. im nice weather only rider , i like to know the road is hot and dry coz i like to ride my bike with a little bit of aggression. BUT im a safe rider if im behind a bike i dont realy like to over take even if its safe coz even if you take it nice and wide and safely they still think you showing of or something well thay do round my way any way . ok say if theres a guy on a old tzr plodding down the road and you over take him on your nice and new R1 with matching leathers . all they say in there mind is twat its like driving a ferrari .
  4. Error replied to JayR6's post in a topic in The Bar
    whoot whoot the pool run love it .. them babes behind the bars own has any one tryed the blandford road? whata road safe at high speeds . a32 owns also
  5. Error replied to Error's post in a topic in Yamaha Gallery
    and in your tag it says Breaking News. Happiness is NOT around the corner. Happiness IS the corner!
  6. Error replied to stacy-r6mpj's post in a topic in Naked
    i got my r6 from george whites maybe me n some mates can hook up with ya
  7. Error replied to Error's post in a topic in Naked
    i have changed it . what i mean is the new top part of tail unit is fine but the under tray has minor scratches on it . would it **ss you of ?. tbh most of the marks you cant see unless you know that thay are there and if you did notice them you would think they are stone chips
  8. Error replied to Trolloc's post in a topic in Yamaha Workshop
    undo the bolt on ur end can and undo the bolts on the frame . pull if forward but not to much as the brake pipe is on that bit. as you pull it forward theres a allen key bolt just undo it and replace
  9. Error replied to Error's post in a topic in Naked
    pic of R/H rear end damage before i changed unit L/H side
  10. Error posted a post in a topic in Naked
    question for all you guys out there , ok i brought a r6 strait outa the show room . loved it to bits then about 2 months of owning it i was knocked of ( gutted ). so i managed to get al the parts and rebuild it myself , as it was only plastics and tank , lights so on . got it back to near enuf mint apart from the swing arm had a scuff but i got a new 1 and never fitted it as the scuff was to minor for such a big job, then ...... i dropped my bike in my garage only bent the peg and scuffed the tail unit . so i got a new tail unit but it has some very lightn scratches on the under tray . now im thinkin oh its got this mark that mark so on. am i being 2 fussy or would it bother you lot? to look at the bike it looks mint but coz i own it i know where the marks are .. pics to follow
  11. Error posted a post in a topic in Yamaha Gallery
    never mind
  12. Error replied to gunnysonics's post in a topic in General
    i pasted my test on went strait on a 06 r6 . had it 2 months then come of it . wnet on a bike safe corse but didnt get much out of that tbh
  13. Error replied to JayR6's post in a topic in The Bar
    so where about do you live ?/ i know both them places . and the weather is starting to get good maybe hook up .. what colour bike did u get>
  14. Error replied to R1evad's post in a topic in The Bar
    crash bungs that are on the frame are realy ony meant if you drop your bike when not moving . i droped me bike when i lost my balance in my garage and there was no damage apart from it bent the foot peg . with out bungs i would of had alot of panel damage
  15. Error posted a post in a topic in The Bar
    any one know where i can get a parts list for a 2006 r6 ? i had a smash and now have the estimate but have now idea whats bits are what as only have numbers and some thing like lever but what lever?? IE: it wll say some thing like 123533 cover 1 . what cover is that >??
  16. Error posted a post in a topic in The Bar
    quick question for ya , ive got a new r6 and some lady knocked me of it . i cant be arsed to wait for insurance to pay out so im thinking of fixing it my self . the quote from george whties in swindow want £4532.05 im like WFT . ive priced bits up and i can do it for around a grand . but ive seen a crank case cover on a web site in the us and its only £57 inc p&p . but if i buy it when it gets deliverd will thay want loads of tax aswell? ive head things about this
  17. Error posted a post in a topic in General
  18. Error replied to Deepee's post in a topic in Yamaha Gallery
    the plate is 7" * 5" cost a tenner for any size or style from black bush market
  19. Error replied to Deepee's post in a topic in Yamaha Gallery
    more pics of my bad lad MY OLD BIKE
  20. Error replied to Deepee's post in a topic in Yamaha Gallery
    ok lets try this , this is my baby since pic ive put on tail tidy and double bubble screen in blue on it
  21. Error replied to Deepee's post in a topic in Yamaha Gallery
    how do i put a pic up ? i changed my screen and dropped one on them rubbers with the nut inside it some where in the front faring so i ended up nearly taking the whole front end of and still didnt find it ne ideas where i can get some? or one as thats all i need . i know ive said this b4 but when i start it it realy seems tappety , is that coz ive gone over the run in revs or do you think its just me as its my 1st bike?
  22. Error replied to kriss's post in a topic in Naked
    hi kriss im new to riding ive only had a bike for about 10 months , and ive just got myself an 07/r6r , the tank slap thing is with all r6s i think , mine does it , just be carful when you open it up IE: do it on a strait line not over cats eyes and drains , stuff like that coz any thing that makes the wheel go up an a camber . will start of the slap , and also the new r6 has slipper cluch so when you gear down hard the back wheel wont lock up if you get an r6 get a steering damper aswell
  23. Error replied to Deepee's post in a topic in Yamaha Gallery
    hi m8 do you have a double bubble screen for ur r6? get blue one for £17.99 or black for 19.99
  24. Error replied to Deepee's post in a topic in Yamaha Gallery
    still running my r6 in but i took ur advice and went up 2 8k , but 2day an m5 3.0 bmw tryed to race me and i couldnt let him beat me so i went up to about 15k only for a short while tho and i won
  25. Error replied to Deepee's post in a topic in Yamaha Gallery
    yea the can is for an 06/07 , i got it b4 i got the bike but now ive got the bike i dont realy wana change to much right now as its new