Everything posted by nigel smith
Road Racing
Hi all I spent today watching the BBC coverage of the North West 200. I love watching the road racing the TT the northwest the ulster but after more than one red flag incident I started to feel uneasy about watching it. we love to see the speed and danger but are the riders taking to much of a risk. Then heartbreakingly the day ended with the death of a twenty year old lad. R.I.P Malachi Mitchell-Thomas I just wanted to know what every ones thoughts are about racing on the roads nige
XT 125X Speedo
Hi gstevie look out for grouch he fitted a trailteck vapour to his XT. Also if it's only the speedo that's not working check the sender on the front wheel. You could always put the speedo in the airing cupboard as they do suffer with damp in them. nige
Hot starting problem
Cheers Kev I will give that a go nige
Hot starting problem
Hi all On my 2005 DT125X (electric start) I have noticed a problem. When cold the bike will start first press of the starter (choke on). If I stop the bike at full operating temperature and restart immediately it starts fine. My problem is when I leave it for 5 mins or so when hot for example when filling up it really struggles to start, the starter is fine and it spins over fine just struggles to fire. When it does eventually start it runs fine. any ideas ? thanks in advance nige
Hi lem
6v idiot light bulbs to led
Hi I am sure you can get 10w
Just to let people know it's motorcycle day at Aldi tomorrow Kevlar jeans ect nige
Hazard warning lights fault
Hi finnerz89 finally got round to trying the higher wattage relay and it works a treat so just wanted to say thanks for the advice cheers nige
Hi ian i will just say what all the others will say! Say hello in the new members section and you will get loads of help. If you don't you will probably get ignored there's a big problem on here with one hit wonders. There are loads of clever people on here who are glad to help if you say hello first cheers nige
DT125 plug chop results, running lean?
I've got that two stroke tuning book on pdf thats all I have to say about that
DT125X SM power valve problem need help
Hi there have you put a meter on the battery? Check it with the ignition off then keep the meter on the battery as you turn on the ignition on. Batteries can show good voltage with no load the drop badly when loaded. Just a thought nige
DT125 Remove snorkel or replace with dt230 one?
Cheers Paul so what are the benefits of removing it? Better airflow? nige
DT125 Remove snorkel or replace with dt230 one?
hi sorry for butting in but can anyone tell me the purpose of the snorkel? cheers nige
DT125 Main jet, reeds, dt230 snorkel?
Hi how did you get on with your mods? the rubber bit in the manifold you mentioned helps the airflow and from what I have read has a detrimental effect if removed. nige
Please help!! My Yamaha XT125x 2009 wont start
Hi i had a similar problem on the XT i used to own, I found that the choke plunger was sticking in the carb. When you turned the choke off the plunger was not moving over fuelling it. Also I found that it would dim the lights very quickly after a few try's at starting. When removing the battery to charge it I found the battery wires only finger tight. The buzzing could be the starter relay with not enough voltage to pull it in properly. not sure if this will help but worth a look cheers nige
DT125X Carb red hose?
hi there i have just had a look at my bike and the hose runs down at the side of the rear shock spring on mine. cheers nige
Random section
hi why can i not post in the random section ? Is it closed cheers nige
DT125X and MT5
Hi Paul yes I sold the XT I prefer the smell and noise of the two strokes and have really got into the tinkering side of things nige
DT125X and MT5
A couple of pictures of the MT5 moped I restored and fitted a H100a engine to. I bought the moped for £200 as a rusty not runner I spent around £150 on sundries and a few parts and I bought a complete MT5 field bike fitted with the H100 engine for £90. After lots of cleaning painting and polishing (6hrs) per wheel with Autosol and buffing wheel I rebuilt it as standard. I then fitted the H100 engine and had a blast around. I sold this in the summer for a profit which paid for my DT The DT had a few faults. starter motor not working new brushes fitted sprag clutch slipping new springs and rollers fitted speedo not working new pin fitted to the hub Given it a service ready for MOT All this and it still only owes me what the moped cost me RESULT!!!! https://instagram.com/p/_1uXc7xUe6IpNe-L30Re3jR-pLJKt1zPCGn-A0/ https://instagram.com/p/_1uqU5xUfjUI4lKeAWF4AS2GGErYSLEmj8Jjk0/ https://instagram.com/p/BAIgJkfxUSSEQ3pDf0deJ1a4pjhVhTk5CerD2g0/ https://instagram.com/p/BAIgV5txUSpUsuIxTPI65jraZHIJWstWgnGfJA0/ https://instagram.com/p/_1u82AxUQE7jW3pMa00I_CtrWGpBs-pC7yDeI0/
Hazard warning lights fault
cheers pal i will blow my Christmas bonus on one then
The new 2016 module one test
Hi all I just saw this the new module 1 test layout
Hazard warning lights fault
hi all i have had a look at my rear bulbs which are aftermarket and i cant see the wattage, presuming they are over ten watts and the relay cant cope i have had a look on ebay for a different relay and found these. see link My standard relay is FE218BH rated a 10w x 4 for the hazard lights 10w x 2 for indicators Could i use the FE246BH rated at 21w x 4 for hazard lights 21w, 23w and 27w x 2 for indicators http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/281833651894?_trksid=p2060353.m1438.l2649&ssPageName=STRK%3AMEBIDX%3AIT what i want to know is for £6 second hand will this solve my problem or cause other problems with indicator speed ect thanks in advance nige
YBR125 Problem.
Hi mc900 There are a lot of people on here who I'm sure can help you !! but first go to the new members section and introduce yourself or they probably won't bother with you as they get a lot of one hit wonders, cheers nige.
Photo sizing
Hi Malleus i will give that a try thanks very much for the reply nige
Photo sizing
Hi all i wanted to post some pictures on here but all my photos were taken on an iPhone and are a massive file size. Can anyone give me the best way to get them small enough to post on here? would be very great full for any advice cheers nige