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Everything posted by feliks

  1. Yeah I noticed that in the video after I took a look at it , good call! Will try to keep em straight! No 5th gear wheelies for me... lol. Just want to be able to pop it up every now and then, nothing crazy!
  2. I'm going to leave the oil & filter for now...but I appreciate the concern! I really don't think there's enough room to get the oil filter cover off with the exhaust in the way, but I didn't try, I only went by what the manual told me to do...luckily the exhaust came off nice and easy! One of the bolts was already stripped though...the flange or whatever it's called is only held in with one nut...but it seems to hold ok as long as I keep checking the tightness of it. I think I need to re tap the stripped threads in order to put a slightly larger bolt in there, but for now, it's good. Good news, no fuel leaks this morning! I guess whatever got stuck, isn't stuck anymore...which is good for me! Do you think I can get away with leaving the bike as-is until snow comes? That way I can take my time while I have it apart and make sure everything gets fixed properly. I'm afraid if I try to do it now, I may rush because I want to get it back on the road... Tank looks pretty good, can't see visible rust, looks like the PO patched up a spot on the very bottom corner but I think that's just the support for the tank. No rust or metal fragments were on my oil drain plug magnet.
  3. Got some good tips from a few youtube videos and tried my hand at a power wheelie in first gear the other day... this was my 3rd attempt at it, the other two got up, but only about an inch, giggity.
  4. feliks


    Yeah would have been nice!
  5. Got it out already...but yeah that's all it needed was a good push! I've never done an oil change on a motorcycle before so this is all new to me... learning as I go. Got it all done and put back together, it runs even smoother now than the day I got it with the new filter in there, the old one was almost solid full of crap. Oil and Filter Change by feliks.ca, on Flickr
  6. Doing the oil change now, got the exhaust off so I can access the oil filter, got the filter housing off, but the bolt and filter are stuck in the housing...is there some sort of trick for this or do I just give it a good whack on the bolt side to free it up?
  7. Nice idea! For those who don't have this...or even if you do...you should always check your lights before you go for a ride....for safetys sake! Signals, brakes, running, and headlights.
  8. I also checked the spark plugs to check for gas in the cylinder since the engine was having a bit of trouble starting up...and low and behold, #3 is soaked with gas. Only #3 though! So I cranked the engine with that plug out and cleared out all of the gas (in a hurry! lol), installed spark plugs back in and started right up....leaving the petcock in the on position again now to see if maybe the floats got unstuck riding it around for a bit this morning.
  9. It sure is a sight to see Slice! It was estimated 100,000 bikes came through last month on Fri 13.
  10. Gah! Go out to check on the bike today.... gas on the garage floor! This time it's leaking from the airbox. Guess it's time to pull the carbs and give them a good cleaning... I'm betting stuck floats.
  11. How many of you folks make it down for Fri13 in Port Dover? I currently live right in town but I'm going to be moving before the year is up, but it'd be nice to maybe get a crew going that can meet up there or cruise down together! Here are the next ones: December 13, 2013 June 13, 2014 February 13, 2015 March 13, 2015 November 13, 2015 Post up if you may be interested...
  12. Just get a slip on! And post a proper introduction!!
  13. Good idea, I'm going to grab an oil filter and do it all again to make sure all the gas is out of there, I did let it drain for about an hour with the plugs out before putting the new oil in though but I'm sure there's some stuck in there still. I'll do the compression test too, that's another good idea before ripping the whole engine apart! And sounds good Flip! Yeah rained all last night here and the roads are soaked... doesn't make for a very fun ride.
  14. So I found out the hard way today.... do NOT leave the petcock in the prime position! Went to start the bike this morning...just cranked...didn't fire up. Checked the oil level first...it's solid, which made me wonder ... how?? So I opened up the fill plug and it smelled like gas...drained the oil...sure enough, it was diluted with gas! Guess the petcock left in the prime position allows the fuel to flow even if the engine is off (if it's in the on position, it only flows when the engine is on), this along with possibly stuck carb floats or something or other caused gas to leak into my engine, past my rings, and to my oil, from what I understand. So, flushed the old oil, put new oil in, and made sure to leave it in the "on" position, no problems so far and she's still running like a champ thankfully. That was a scare though! Makes me think I'll probably need a ring job if the gas got past them that easy too...
  15. feliks

    86 FZ 600 questions

    I have to clarify (in case anyone else stumbles upon this thread in Google search) - the petcock operation is this: Up - Reserve, Sideways - Prime, Down - On
  16. I have a contour, but an older model, love it. Super easy to operate with your gloves on too. Their newest model is waterproof and has GPS so you can link the gps route to your videos...as far as I remember.
  17. PM returned! Preventative maintenance is always cheaper and less work than fixing things when they break! Plus being stranded on the side of the road is never good...even less so if you're not sitting inside a comfy car or truck. Got my valve cover gasket on order because it's leaking a bit of oil from there...should be a nice easy fix.
  18. Rained today So the bike stayed in the garage..should be beautiful out tomorrow though. I took the time to lubricate the throttle cable and grease up the throttle grip though, and wow did that make a difference! Feels like it's a brand new throttle! Can't wait to test it out now...
  19. Think these will be bright enough?
  20. That's the plan, or maybe even call and book it now for next spring, if they'll let me, and I'll just be sure to get my M1 again by then. Was a BEAUTIFUL night for riding! Stopped and snapped this pic while I was out.
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