So, I was given some advice to pick up a copy of "Twist of the Wrist II" - I have to say, it's one of the most informative and inspiring books about riding I've ever read! The way the book is written really speaks to makes you go "oh shit, THAT'S WHY!!!" a lot...or at least, it did for me. I personally can't wait until springtime to try out all of the new techniques I've learned, like pivot steering (using your body as active suspension), keeping your arms bent (for more control), giving smooth and constant increasing throttle through a turn (for faster and safer turns), giving throttle in a turn as soon as possible (to transfer weight to the back tire for more grip)....finding and holding to a turn point, and that any turn point is better than no turn point, do one steering motion for each turn, not multiple, you should be able to flick into your turn, hold the line, and flick back, not turn, correct, turn, correct.... but don't take my word for it. PICK UP A COPY if you haven't already! There's also a video that I downloaded that goes with the book and demonstrates a lot of the techniques such as push steering (counter steering) and turning, throttle control, and's great, the video is a little cheesy but the points get across.
Now there's my any of you have any good suggestions for reading material for the winter months on riding tips and tricks?