Whether tis nobler to get new rings and a new hone, or whether tis good enough to use piston rings and cylinders that were just done in September?
Should I get a hone job, and new rings, or should I just install these as is? They're out of my parts engine, the guy who sold it to me said they were just done in September...and I trust his word, so I'm thinking I save myself $200 in new rings and just use these!
What do you think? Discuss.
Untitled by feliks.ca, on Flickr
Untitled by feliks.ca, on Flickr
Untitled by feliks.ca, on Flickr
Untitled by feliks.ca, on Flickr
Untitled by feliks.ca, on Flickr
Untitled by feliks.ca, on Flickr
Untitled by feliks.ca, on Flickr
Untitled by feliks.ca, on Flickr
Untitled by feliks.ca, on Flickr