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Everything posted by feliks

  1. If you're not already, use vinyl tape (electrical tape works in a pinch) to do your curved edges, it bends a lot easier than masking tape! Just be sure to not leave it on too long or it'll be hard to remove. You can heat it up to remove it easier too.
  2. Here ya go bud, this is what I was thinkin....
  3. Wait.... so WHAT do you want photoshopped?? lol
  4. Life wouldn't be worth living if it was forever... that's what's so awesome, and sad..about it! But...shit. Decisions decisions... lol
  5. Man you guys are champions at riding on wet roads over there eh? lol Bike sounds great!!
  6. That'll buff right out!
  7. Sounds great! Have I mentioned I'm jealous of your weather right now? lol
  8. Man if you brought the side points down like you did with the middle one that would just look so sweet.
  9. Maybe 20 minutes... takes longest to cut out the part you want to colour, colouring is the easy part! lol the Highlander! I enjoyed the tv series.... he kicked every immortals ass and took their head! Thanks for the votes but man you guys are NOT making this easy for me... my vote is for black as well.... but gold does look so sweet too that's why I'm having such a hard time deciding!!
  10. My mind is pretty much made up....but I really do like the other one as well... What colour do you like best for the rims...out of curiousity?
  11. haha Oh yes indeed! Got my new chain mounted up today, didn't take it apart and just removed the swingarm to put it on, since it was already together (grabbed it when I got the other parts for the build). Then I removed the front and rear rim and pulled the bearings out in preparation for powder coating. I have some new All Balls bearings on the way that I'm going to replace them with as I've heard good reviews about them. Need to remove the rubber so I can mount up the Dunlop 501's when they arrive this week!
  12. Uggghhhhhhhh I'm still looking at snow out my window!!!!! LOL Beautiful shots... makes me mad though!! lol
  13. Well the JB weld didn't hold up at all.... lol Going to have to get them welded up, or tap the holes and put some bolts in!
  14. A year goes by fast doesn't it?? Welcome to the forums! Well.. officially anyway... not like I'm official though.
  15. Can't help you sorry... I've only got an FZ.
  16. Yeah there were holes drilled into the exhaust there for some reason... I already filled em up with JB Weld last night..it's curing now, going to start it up again in a bit and see if it holds up. If not, I'm getting the holes welded. I'm pretty happy it started up with no issues, and even better...no leaks!
  17. WOOOOOOO Black Yamba roared to life with no issues, AND no leaks!!
  18. Yup for sure no fuel until the oil is up - it says I can loosen the oil gallery bolt at the top of the engine to check for oil seepage from there (it's good if it does) - then tighten it back up once oil is confirmed flowing up top. So I'll do that as well! Ohhhhh lol I forget what I post sometimes... it was a sniper video...but just titled that. It's actually just me shooting at a pile of sand..... lol, close to a million views now!
  19. Ok cool, am about to go do this.... but first I need to fill up a gas can to give the bike some fuel! and Blackhat Wtf does the bloodhound gang have to do with anything?? lmao
  20. lol no carb cleaner, maybe some other stuff though.... LOL Making some good progress these past few days...it was pretty easy and straightforward putting everything back together. For some reason I thought it would be a lot more complicated...just taking my time and referencing the manual. Now, I have a question, it says in the manual for the recommended initial startup to remove the spark plugs AND wires before cranking the engine to build up the oil pressure before starting it with any fuel in it. My question is.... do I need to remove the wires?? And if so...why?
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