Everything posted by feliks
1983 XJ750 Shuts Off Randomly When Cool, Runs OK When Hot
Things I have not checked, but probably should: Carb sync Valve Clearances
1983 XJ750 Shuts Off Randomly When Cool, Runs OK When Hot
Hey Guys! It's been a while since I've posted, but have always been lurking around. I picked up an XJ750 a couple of years ago and have done quite a bit of work to it. However I'm at a complete loss as to what and why I'm having this random bike shutoff issue. It's getting to be dangerous because you don't know if it's going to shut off while you're leaning into a turn! Anyway, here are the symptoms: When the bike is cold it requires a bit of choke to start, then once the idle goes up, I turn the choke down. Then the bike idles fine. It will run for about 30 seconds usually, and then just shut off. Just recently I've had to wait about another 30 seconds before it will start again. If you try to start it, it will crank, just not start. Once you wait 30 seconds it'll start back up again no problem and idle beautifully. Then... depending on her mood, another 30 seconds or minute later she'll shut off again. Because she's now just being a bitch. So I have to sweet talk her a little more, wait another 30 seconds or so.... start her back up. Caress her. Tell her she's beautiful. Then maybe she'll stay running for me and give me a good ride. However, randomly, she still just shuts off. I can't even say when it happens it's so random, sometimes when letting off the throttle, sometimes when rolling it on. Sometimes just when I'm sitting at a stoplight. Once I've been riding for over 30 minutes, it doesn't do it anymore. She runs perfect. No issues. Only that first 30 minutes it's sketchy. I would love any opinions or feedback on this crazy issue, because I'm out of ideas! And I don't see any obvious electrical issues, I've checked all of my kill switches (clutch and side stand). I thoroughly cleaned the carbs at the beginning of the year (didn't start having these issues up until about a month ago maybe). And I've checked and replaced spark plugs, swapped coils with my old FZ600, and still the same issues. (now those coils are 30 years old too, so I'm no ruling that out). I'll get a video of it tomorrow, bike is hot now because I've been out there messing with it, so it will probably run fine if I take a video now. Next stop is the mechanic, and I've never had to bring a bike there other than for a safety certificate, so I don't want to start now! lol Thanks in advance, you guys are the best!
1999 R6 - "Project Dreamweaver"
This really became a project last weekend.... details to come, but I went down pretty hard, and the bike is a mess.
1999 R6 - "Project Dreamweaver"
Ok well I trust your opinion so I'll do as you say! Wooo! Hopefully this fixes up my issues...until the next one comes. I've put on 9000kms on this bike in the 2+ months I've owned it, so I am getting lots of fun in between.
1999 R6 - "Project Dreamweaver"
Ok I had ordered the Barnett clutch kit, it comes with springs, steel, and fiber plates.... I can only assume it's fucked since it revs up in 5th and 6th gear when you hammer on the throttle but doesn't actually speed up until it catches.. I just still find it weird that it does it so much in 2nd gear over all the others, it doesn't slip at all in first gear..no matter how hard you hammer it. Anyway, clutch kit on order, gonna get a new gasket for sure. Thanks for the help as always guys!
1999 R6 - "Project Dreamweaver"
Would you recommend Barnett over EBC clutches? Anyone have opinions on either, or a better option even?
1999 R6 - "Project Dreamweaver"
This all I need? http://www.ebay.com/itm/EBC-SRK-Clutch-Kit-Fits-Yamaha-YZF-R6-600-1999-2002-/331275866714?fits=Year%3A1999%7CMake%3AYamaha%7CModel%3AYZF+R6&hash=item4d2194925a&vxp=mtr I'm gonna take a video of the problem in 2nd gear, you should be able to hear what's going on if I mount the camera in a good spot... maybe you can make the call just from that if that's the issue! There's definitely no clunking or banging it just slips when accelerating, feels like the tire skips but that's not it.
1999 R6 - "Project Dreamweaver"
Thanks man as always I appreciate the advice! I did notice when I was cranking on it on the highway in 4th gear it revved up but didn't speed up... which would be indicative of the clutch, right? So I think you may be on to something... I'll pull the clutch cover off this weekend when I do an oil change and assess it from there. I'll post some pics up when I get in there. Thanks again buddy!
1999 R6 - "Project Dreamweaver"
So this seems to be the issue... the 2nd gear has 3 gear dogs on it that engage it to the tranny whereas the 03 and up tranny's have 5 dogs on them... so these get rounded off in 2nd gear for some reason and almost every 99-02 R6 has this. I can either ride as is, or fix it. I'm gonna fix it come winter time, woo project time! http://www.sportbikes.net/forums/help-me-fix/431079-2003-r1-slip-2nd-gear.html
1999 R6 - "Project Dreamweaver"
It doesn't pop out of gear, just slips when you hammer on it in 2nd. I don't doubt you at all I just don't know how that would be the clutch if it only does it in one gear, but you would know more than me about this stuff!
Fz600 Gulf
Just some info, the sparkplug should work with the resistor or not... I had both in my FZ and it ran the same with either, until I blew it up that is. lol
1999 R6 - "Project Dreamweaver"
It's not popping out of gear, I would describe it as rear tire slip, that's what it "feels" like...but it's not, and it ONLY does it in 2nd gear, no other gears... from what I read online the 2nd gear in 1999-2002 R6's is fucked...and goes out very soon in their life... so plan is to crack it open and fix that up this winter! Hopefully that goes well... Yes I did... the regulator was fried though, wasn't putting out the needed voltage, was still only at 12v when running.
1999 R6 - "Project Dreamweaver"
Flip the battery was toast and is the sealed type so you can't hydrotest it... constant charging/draining killed it I think, plus who knows what kind of shape it was in before I got the bike. Picked up a new AGM one from GNB Battery here in Hamilton and installed my new regulator, now reading a fantastic 13.6v while the bike is on, instead of 12.1v which I was getting. Woooo hoo! All fixed up. I've got the dreaded 2nd gear slip now though under hard acceleration... would you suggest finding an 03 tranny to swap with or just replacing the worn gears in mine? It'll be my new winter project this year. A few as in like 5 or 6 extra hours... lol
1999 R6 - "Project Dreamweaver"
Installed the new stator, and although the bike is holding a charge at 12.5v even after riding for half an hour... it won't go above 13v while running even at 5000 rpm. So....RR must be done as well. I bit the bullet and ordered one from yamaha... $100 used from the bike wreckers or $170 new from yamaha (I know that's a lot but there's no way I can wait for one to come from China... I'll just work a few extra hours this weekend to make up for it!). At least I got out for a little ride today!
1999 R6 - "Project Dreamweaver"
The wife is actually going to take the trip out there for me (I have to be here in the morning to work and she knows how much this is killing me to not ride right now, she's awesome. lol) so I'll ask her to get a RR while she's there, might as well be safe, don't want to fry the new stator. Like I said the RR "looks" fine but since you can't test it I'd rather not risk it.
1999 R6 - "Project Dreamweaver"
Yeah she is sexy!
1999 R6 - "Project Dreamweaver"
Oh yes, will be checking everything before I pull it out of the garage! Don't want to be stranded somewhere. I must say though, every time I was left stranded, I ended up being able to fix the problem temporarily and ride the bike home so I can't say anything bad about the old girl.
1999 R6 - "Project Dreamweaver"
Figured I'd add some new tail lights while the bike is down...not bad for $20 ebay specials. 1999 Yamaha R6 by feliks.ca, on Flickr 1999 Yamaha R6 by feliks.ca, on Flickr 1999 Yamaha R6 by feliks.ca, on Flickr
Fz600 Gulf
If you need any specific pictures of anything let me know and I can snap em of my FZ - the engine is currently blown up but I plan on fixing it, however maybe some pictures or info will help you at this point... just let me know!
1999 R6 - "Project Dreamweaver"
Bike has left me stranded 3 times so far, first time it was a fuse, second time a bolt fell out of the clutch cover and started shooting oil everywhere, and the 3rd time the charging system fucked up... all within a month of owning the bike.... lol Ah well, a run of bad luck is sure to be followed by a run of good luck! I'm not going to fry the new stator using my old RR, am I? I can only assume it was because the wires themselves on the outside shorted out (you can see how badly frayed and exposed they were) - so I'm hoping I don't fuck the stator up when I plug it and turn the bike on with this RR still.
1999 R6 - "Project Dreamweaver"
Hey guys, been a while... but I've been out enjoying the new ride and the awesome weather here we're finally getting. So far so good with issues, some small things here and there... but just recently I started having charging issues. Long story short, battery died while riding, bump starting wasn't working, had to disconnect the headlights in order for the bike to start with a bump, got it home, inspected wiring and found this: So I cleaned it up, added some new lengths of wire with dual walled waterproof insulated heat shrink tubing and heat shrink connectors. The RR appeared ok, but I guess it could be shorted out on the inside, wondering if I should risk trying this one or get a new one. Then I tested the stator coil and every single lead had continuity to ground, which, is not good! I also was not getting the correct readings between leads...but that test was unnecessary since it was already grounding out. So I took out the stator and found it all burnt up! I'm assuming it burnt up because of the regulator connections shorting out, would that be a correct assumption? And if so... after cleaning up the wiring for the regulator (which is now proper!), will I have any issues blowing this new stator up by plugging it into the old regulator/rectifier or should I get a new one of those as well just in case? So my poor bike is parked until Tuesday , which is the earliest I can pick up my new stator!
Hello from Canada
Finding previously owned bikes
In Ontario, you can get a Used Vehicle Information Package just by supplying the VIN# to the MInistry of Transportation - this shows all previous owners and the current owner - maybe you have something similar over there you can check out.
Feliks got a new bike!
Thanks everyone!!! I'm loving it... and loving the nice weather we finally have here. Sun is shining, birds are chirping, and motorcycles are making lots of noise!! It's good to be alive right now. I'm working on burning off the chicken strips and have made a lot of new friends. I work from home so it's nice to get out there and meet people... I was becoming somewhat of a hermit. lol Have to work today, but I'll be going out for a lunch ride anyway. lol, these tires handle the corners a LOT better, to say the least! That and I like to think I'm learning too. haha! The colour is slightly off, but it's close enough. Even picked up a new-to-me blue, black, and white AGV K3 helmet for $80 and a sweet blue iridium visor for $40! Now everything matches. You still haven't figured that out yet? Man I hate electrical issues...such a pain to figure out sometimes. Ohhh yeah, loving it. It was a lot of work on the FZ, but it's not all wasted... I learned a lot, and had fun, and got to enjoy it for 12k km's after the rebuild, I got my money's worth. We can rebuild it.
Feliks got a new bike!
Been a little while since I posted, I've been out enjoying the summer here since it's only a few months long in Canada.... but have some good and bad news! 12k kms after the rebuild on the old 86 FZ600 it decided to blow up. Connecting rod end cap let loose and boom...hole in the case. I have enough parts to rebuild but in the meantime, it was an incredible excuse for an upgrade. I searched far and wide, and found a killer deal on a 1999 Yamaha R6... and HOLEEEEEY shit, WHAT an upgrade it is. Such a smooth bike compared to the old girl, everything feels more stable, however you require a lot of self restraint to not twist the throttle open on a curve and kill yourself, so I'm quite glad I learned on what I did before I jumped on this beast! Anyway, on to some pictures of the new gir!! (btw it matches my suit! ) Untitled by feliks.ca, on Flickr 1999 Yamaha R6 by feliks.ca, on Flickr Untitled by feliks.ca, on Flickr Needs some smoke tail lights with integrated signals. Untitled by feliks.ca, on Flickr