Siezed up Speedo gear (DT175E)
Thanks, they look to be too large though, the one with the quarter must be 19 - 20mm, bushing is only about 13mm. Will look into this some more though when I have more time, been busy dealing with some other things. Appreciate the assistance. Will give this a try when I can get back to working on it, Thanks. I'll be sure to wear my oven mitts too .
Siezed up Speedo gear (DT175E)
Would greatly appreciate it if you could find out from him where to get such a tool, Sacha. Unfortunately we tried cutting down a socket as well, "Make it yourself" seemed to be the only solution I could find anywhere on the Internet because any socket type that looked like it'd work only came in 20mm or larger diameter . But just couldn't get it to fit correctly, I didn't order an extra bushing when I ordered my parts because the shop had my assembly at the time and they had made progress with the large gear so I wasn't sure I'd need it but they couldn't manage to get the other to budge. So the only way to try and make one was to guess and we just couldn't get the points deep enough or in the correct position to fit, it would seem to fit then slip out as soon as we tried to turn it so I gave up on that for now rather then risk stripping the edges. Sure feels frustrating knowing I'm so close to a working Speedometer and this one bushing is standing in my way if I ever get it out I'm going to smother the threads on it with Never-Seez before putting it back on.
Greetings from Alaska
Hello, Purchased my first bike a couple months ago, 1978 DT175E. Great condition considering I live in Ketchikan, Alaska and it rains so often here that people don't just age here, they rust. (Thankfully there's very little of that going on with the bike! ) Just missing some minor parts that I've mostly already replaced (just got my package full of parts I ordered, today). Bummed that it's still missing the left side cover panel that covers up the oil tank but hope to find a replacement in the future. Anyway, did quite a bit of searching google for answers now that I'm teaching myself how to fix the bike up, Google pointed me here quite often so I thought I'd stop in and say Hey there! (And hoping for some assistance as well )
Siezed up Speedo gear (DT175E)
Hello, A couple months ago I acquired a '78 Yamaha DT175E, runs great was just missing a few minor parts like the rear brake light lens and spring for the stand, guy said everything worked including Tach and Speedo but while the Tach does in fact work fine the Speedometer gears turned out to be frozen and caused the little clutch wheel to get rounded off when it was ridden and forced to spin around the frozen gear. I cleaned all the grease out of it and have tried freeing the gears myself but to no avail, so we took the brake assembly in to the guy that runs one of the local bike shops here and he said he managed to free the large drive gear but the smaller driven worm gear that's supposed to spin the speedometer cable is just being extremely stubborn and they couldn't get it free. I've ordered pretty much all the missing parts I needed for the bike including a replacement clutch wheel and spare circlip and washer but I'm kind of stuck until I get the gears free and turning. I wanted to try removing the bushing that sits above the worm gear so I could try removing the gear entirely to get it free but I cant get a screwdriver down in there to try and turn it because the tip of the worm gear where the speedo cable slips in pokes through the bushing and prevents anything like that from fitting, I don't think a screwdriver would provide the torque I'd need anyway to break the bushing free. This is the bushing, I was hoping someone here might know where I might be able to buy a tool that would fit into those grooves for taking this out. The service manual for my bike has no information at all on it and neither does the Clymer repair manual I purchased. Any other information that might help me free up this gear would also be greatly appreciated. Thanks.