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Beaky Peaky

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  1. In my short time riding, I wish I'd known about the wisdom of avoiding false economies and finding out if what you're getting really suits what you need it for. So the jacket at £50 might seem a bargain, but if it's like wearing a bin bag in the heat and tissue in the cold and wet, pay more for something good. Also, the cheap lid is OK 'til you realise you could have spent a little extra and got pins on the visor for pinlock and avoided misting up in the rain. (Still not sure whether this ratchet wrench set from Aldi will fall in to the 'buy cheap, buy twice' category - https://www.aldi.co.uk/en/specialbuys/thursday-specialbuys-15th-august/product-detail/ps/p/5-piece-ratchet-wrench-set-1/ I avoided the ratchet handle with sockets because it looked a bit too flimsy: https://www.aldi.co.uk/en/specialbuys/thursday-specialbuys-15th-august/product-detail/ps/p/ratchet-handle-with-sockets/) Things I'm already grateful for: this website (!); an instructor saying about adjusting how you ride to the conditions, and teaching how to brake on slippery/dangerous surfaces I'd love to hear what some of you much more experienced heads wish you'd known, and the things you were grateful for knowing from the start.
  2. Beaky Peaky replied to Grouch's post in a topic in The Bar
    Just bought one of these metal track pumps with a gauge from Halfords. Online they're £19.99 but in store are still be marked at £29.99 - they should still give you the £10 discount. (If you don't want to risk any argy bargy, you can reserve and collect.) http://www.halfords.com/webapp/wcs/stores/servlet/product_storeId_10001_catalogId_10151_productId_700388_langId_-1_categoryId_165661 Incidentally, I was having a look through their Haynes manuals and noticed the 2008 version of the Motorcycle Book, priced at £17.99. (Still selling at this price on Amazon.) It was a bit damaged and it's also out of date as of January this year (latest). I took it to the till, intending to make a cheeky offer of a fiver for it. The assistant said she'd scan it first before seeing if they could reduce it, and she was really happy to tell me that it had come up at 50p! If you want to have a look for a reduced price copy (though I'm sure most of you are way beyond the basics of this book), the ISBN is 9781844253425.
  3. Thank you! Bike cut out again tonight at lights - couldn't get it in to any gear to start. After a 15 minute rest with the engine off, started again no problem at all! Will definitely take the advice about getting to know the bike mechanically. Thanks for the encouragement.
  4. Thank you! Will try that, Ttaskmaster. Thanks! Attempting to post a picture now...
  5. Hello, out there! I'm new to biking, having done my CBT a month ago and since then bought a 2002 SR125, which I love. It's really encouraging to have come across such a friendly and encouraging site for Yamaha owners. I know nothing - nothing! - about the mechanics of the machinery, but have my Haynes manual and hope to learn in time. I think for the first times though when anything goes wrong it'll be a case of taking Mildred to a real mechanic and looking on and learning. (Might be soon - she keeps cutting out in first gear. The last thing a novice rider needs at busy junctions...) Anyway, very pleased to make your acquaintance!