RZ123LC clutch issue
Hi Guys Ok found the problen, incorrect parts given Clutch plates are to thin... New ones are thinner than my worn ones, spings are botteming out and not compressing the plates hard enogh. Started to think i was stuped or something. Thanks for the help, was my first time doing a clutch.
RZ123LC clutch issue
Clutch cable is good, clutch engages and disengages when pulling the lever, mmmm I didn't even know about or see a ball bearing. Have to go check that first. Is it just one ball or a complete bearing that fits on the end?
RZ123LC clutch issue
Hi gents Clutc on my rz/rd started to slip. Replaced the cluch plates but left the original steel plates. Now it won't even engage. In first I let go of the clutch but feels like its still in newtral. Any ideas? Thanks
Fina gear ratio help needed
Just a video if you keen.
Fina gear ratio help needed
Hi guys all most done with my TZR 50 frame RZ 125 motor project. took is out for a test ride but find its topping out to quick, running a 16 front and 47 rear sproket. Any recomendations where to go with the ratio to help with some topend? Thanks Gents!
South African Yamaha Fan
Thanks! DT400 are like hens teeth here
South African Yamaha Fan
Hi every one! Big fan of the Yamaha brand and bikes. Currently working on a TZR 50 frame RZ 125 motor project. Just need to find out where to find guys that can give me some advice and help with some tuning issues... Thanks!
TZR 50 Kill Switch
Pic of the bike
TZR 50 Kill Switch
Hi Guys Need some help with a tzr 50( old one, 93 i think) i picked up. Want to start her but cant find the kill swith incase i have to switch her off quick. There are some stuff missing but she has a spark. Maybe if someone knows where i can connect one ill make my own. Thanks For The Help
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