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  1. thanks for reply,can't hear once revs are higher,depends on any other advice as to what i do but i think you might be right about loose nut .what about old springs??? plates??? would they make the grindin noise? thanks again. $teve
  2. soz its been a while,no internet at my place apart from phone...!!!Don't know if clutch has been replaced, only had the bike 4 months and 6 previous owners...!!! bike goes fine apart from very low down revs which i think is caused by after market exhaust(very low sound and loud)bogs down. i think you may be right about the clutch although it performs ok,no slippin or anything else. Its just that grinding noise,but what causes it? thanks $teve
  3. I have a 1999 Yamaha R6, Whilst in neutral my motorcycle makes a funny grinding noise on the clutch side, If I pull the clutch in the noise disappears does anybody have any ideas as to what this is as I'm concerned Something is going to break and go bang and yes I am a bit paranoid but the noises there and I really don't like it, so if Anybody has any ideas or the same problem please let me know,thanks.$teve