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Everything posted by oliver125

  1. Cheers for the replys. Ive found what all the wires are for, just need to put new bullet connectors on on the indicators an its done
  2. Hi everyone! I was hoping for some help if anyone knows about the wiring on a dt? im trying to wire up my brake light, but dont know what wires to plug into it! Also need to know which wires go into the indicators. I have some photos of the wires. Sorry if there not good quality, ive had to upload on my phone. Theres these: http://m1283.photobucket.com/albumview/albums/oliverlfc125/2013-07-29154228_zpsb94cc375.jpg.html?o=13&newest=1 http://m1283.photobucket.com/albumview/albums/oliverlfc125/2013-07-29154232_zpsd57d71f5.jpg.html?o=11&newest=1 and these: http://m1283.photobucket.com/albumview/albums/oliverlfc125/2013-07-29154158_zpsd0c62232.jpg.html?o=15&newest=1 this is earlier in the loom, can see all the wires before they seperate. http://m1283.photobucket.com/albumview/albums/oliverlfc125/2013-07-29154259_zps592e80b8.jpg.html?o=9&newest=1 As you can tell i dont have the slightest clue wht im doing! I always end up with a shock or blowing a bulb lol if anyone can help id really apreciate it, i bought this project as a pile of parts and im close to getting rid of it thank you! Oliver
  3. oliver125 replied to oliver125's post in a topic in Yamaha Workshop
    Aske about it an they arent interested! Will just leave the numbers an cover them. Not risking it looking dodgy
  4. oliver125 replied to oliver125's post in a topic in Yamaha Workshop
    Yeah mate i found blank vin plates online that need to be riveted on.. Will look into it. Aslong as its readable im sure hell be ok .only problem is its had a newer engine put in! + yeahh was going to get it professionally powdercoated as it ruins the whole bike lookin like it does!
  5. dont let your misses here that!
  6. oliver125 replied to oliver125's post in a topic in Yamaha Workshop
    Cheers lads i apriciate the help! Ill have to mask it off when it comes to painting an do it with cans.
  7. oliver125 replied to oliver125's post in a topic in Yamaha Workshop
    Cheers for that mate, i have the v5 etc an can see the numbers correct. Goood idea though! i just might need it stamping again, thats thevit im worried with, i could probably get it done straight onto the frame, but as its 20+ years old they might be leniant with me lol, ill have to take v5 with me for he mot so he can write it down.. I did put wipe greese in it which is how i can just see it, but its barely a mm deep lol
  8. oliver125 replied to oliver125's post in a topic in Yamaha Workshop
    Its got mot for a good few months mate. An good idea!
  9. oliver125 replied to awchick's post in a topic in Yamaha Workshop
    Also do you have a standard airfilter? Id give it a clean or replace an set your carb to settings said in the manual
  10. oliver125 replied to awchick's post in a topic in Yamaha Workshop
    Id give you fuel pipes a check. Could be kinked an not allowing enough fuel through. Have you checked around the inlet manifold for air leaks etc? When you get it going spray carb an any joinns an manifold etc with wd40.. If revs raise you have a leak. Im probably wrong so wait ffor someone elses answer lol
  11. I never new that.. I was just going to attack it with it. But ill take that in mind! Thank you
  12. oliver125 replied to oliver125's post in a topic in Yamaha Workshop
    Will do mate! Cheers for info wht would i do if the cables rub it away compleatly over time? Declare it off road an rereg with a q plate or have to buy a new frame?
  13. Thought of ptfe tape but thought the petrol would melt it.. Cheers mate i apreciate all the help!
  14. Half my bikes bodged.. Im slowly paying a fortune to fix them lol Ill try loosening an reallly tightening it tonight an threadlock it. If not Ill try an pik up a new float bowl from the breakers when i pick up some more bits! cheers!
  15. oliver125 replied to oliver125's post in a topic in Yamaha Workshop
    Its most probably faint from cables rubbing and wear an tear over the years, and if its been sandblasted a few times. I had to scrape away at the powder coating, there was the silver brushed on paint, purply blue spray paint then the main blue powdercoat. Took age to sand lol so me sanding it down to bear metal never helped but its more visable now and i thought of getting a little strip of metal an stamping the frame numbers on an sticking it on. but then thought if i get pulled theyll think its a ringer an ill get fuxked! Are you aloud to restamp them? We had stamps that you bash with a hammer but i wouldnt be able to get it perfect lol
  16. I thought if the carb was over flowing it would come out the over flow pipes, thats why i asked. It sounded unuseual coming out the drain screw as thats sealed tight and used to drain fuel out the carb then sealed back up. So it must be a problem with the drain screw? Ill bodge it.. Petrol pipe an a self tapping screw in the end an im good to go lol
  17. Ahh forgot to clean the needle! Cheers mate will try that, an no mate got the lot for the drain screw, but you reminded me i need an o ring for the mixture screw!
  18. oliver125 posted a post in a topic in Yamaha Workshop
    Hi, my frame number is very worn away, so much that you can JUST see it! The bike frame has been painted alot of times an its main colour was blue but the last owner spayed parts of it silver an smaller bits with a paint brush! while the bike was still together aswell lol i was planning on having it sandblasted an powdercoated but if it gets sand blasted the numbers will go compleatly an even if its not blasted an just sprayed you wont either. So if i get it done can i just put a sticker with the frame number on over it for the mot?.. Cant have no numbers or ill get it taken off me! bikes a dtr125 1988 btw Thank you!
  19. Hi, yet another question! Regretting buying this dt now.. When i pour fuel in my dt to start it up in the garden. It poures out the float bowl drain nipple thing. Ive cleaned the carb an jets etc an ive loosend an retightened the drain screw yet it still does it! ive cleaned the float an it moves freely, its not pierced either.. Anyone had this happen before? I wouldnt mind if it did it but fuels expensive thesw days lol thanks
  20. Worked on my dt so its worth ashot for him anyway!
  21. You could use a mx fork seal cleaner, very thin piece of plastic wit a hook shape on one end, you push it between the forkseal an fork leg an move it round an it collects and dirt or grit an pulls it out, then there as good as new! You can make your own with a phone screen protector, worth a try before you get a fork rebuild!
  22. What if you ride a 2/? Well be paying a fourtune because of emmisions and im not complaining when i pay 16 pound a year! Lol
  23. oliver125 replied to oliver125's post in a topic in General
    I understand mate what your syin mate, only after little bits that benifit but can also look better! i know i can fit other footpegs with better grip. i want a gear lever because standard is too small a gap from peg an its an effort changing gears. Just want too tidy the bike up because in all honesty it looks sh*t lol
  24. oliver125 posted a post in a topic in General
    Hi, back again with more questions does anyone know of any blingy parts for a dt125r? Want a nice blue tip gear and brake lever if anyone knows where or if you can even get them. Dont mind if there off another bike aslong as they fit! And any other fancy upgrades looks wise! Thankss
  25. Cheers for the help mate, will sort it tonight! Will have another post up for help with my wiring next, no doubt hahah